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                                        L E T I S H A    M A N A R I After that incident in the auditorium, everyone was instructed to go back to their classes, while us, we resume our training. I thought, my team will change how they see me, but we just got back here in the training room, as if nothing happens.   “Hey! Hey, Isha! That was so cool!!!!” Avery chirp and clung her arms on mine. I stopped attacking the dummies.   “What?” I creased my brow, having no idea what the hell she was talking about.   “You just made an explosion earlier, not just a c***k! But an explosion!!!!” she was still jumping, “That was so awesome!” I let her continue blabbering how amazed she was, and just hit the dummies again.   “Is that a big deal?” it seems it is based on her reaction.   “Of course! Like what you saw earlier, it’s a tradition here in Sahri, all the new members should participate there, and making a c***k means you are ready to go and raise our school.” She explained.   Oh, that’s why, “But what about Jackson? Why didn’t he make a c***k on that crystal? I doubt if I’m stronger than him, I’m just a mere town girl.” I said, just to hinder the truth about it.   “I think he’s concealing his power for a reason,” she looked at me, “His power is actually kind of scary. You’re aware that he was holding a dark magic, it’s way stronger than what you are thinking, so I guess, he’s doing that for a purpose.”   “But you said it’s a tradition, it uplift students spirit and confidence that their school is going to win,” I threw a dagger to a nearby dummy. “And besides, he’s a captain, he needs to show power.” She didn’t speak back.   “Have you heard, Isha?” I took a quick glance to Avery, telling her that I’m listening.   “What?” I’m not curious, it’s just that, I think that’s the right way to answer, just for me.   “Jackson’s cousin will be partaking the training one of these days,” she said, and started to assemble her things on the table she was assigned to practice, “Lemuel, he was the team captain of Zariya’s group last meet.”   I halt when I heard that, so Jackson has a cousin? I didn’t know that. And he was actually able to finish the game? I didn’t know that they are related, I’m not really interested in this meet, but every time that the meet had ended, it will be the talk of the town, for almost a month, I’ve heard it before, it’s just that I chose not to pay any attention.   But look at me now, training, making my self strong and able, so I can finish the game, and go home to my town. How ironic, I never imagine myself, doing things like this, well, I’ve got to do this, or else, Cassandra will be in great danger, I can’t let something happen to her and to her family.   “But be careful when he’s around.” My forehead crease, I mean, yes, he is strong, but why should I be careful? It’s not that I have plans on closing the gap between us, “He hold the advance atmokinesis.”   Oh, that’s way too advantage for them, for his group, they’re lucky enough that they had him that time, I heard that once you enter that game, there are seventy percent chance that you won’t make it out alive.                                                                                -----     When Avery said that Jackson’s cousin will be visiting the school, I didn’t know that it was today, we are all on our way to the breakfast hall when we heard that someone named Lemuel is creating such a good vibe to the students.   But the first time I laid my eyes on him, I know that he’s someone I should not hang out with, I hate how he smirk, I hate how he talk with other students, his smile, it’s half menacing, and half amused, it’s like he was well-trained to smile outside, but actually planning to murder inside his mind.   Avery and I sit on the table we were supposed to sit, Finesse and Chad were already at the table, I haven’t seen Luke and Jackson  around, well, it’s not that I care, I just noticed. There’s already food on the table. A club house sandwich, bottled water, Caesar salad, one carton of milk, and yogurt.   Lemuel’s eyes landed on us, specifically me, his lips curled up and form a mischievous smile, before walking towards our table. “Hey, hey.” He greeted us, but I didn’t budge in, and just continue eating my food. I don’t know him, and don’t have plans to know him. “I see, you have a new member here, hello, I’m Lemuel, you are?” I looked at his hand in front of me, instead of shaking hands with him, I just shrug.   “You should know who I am.” It’s impossible that he didn’t know me, I’m sure he knew who am I, after all, he played a vital role to the last Vior meet, I’m sure he’s still being updated with the news inside this school.   He laughed, amusement was visible in his eyes, he even wiped the side of his eyes, what the f**k is his problem? Tsk. It’s too early, yet, I’m starting to get annoyed. I decided not to be bothered by his presence, and tried to enjoy my meal, I’ll have a rough and tiring day today, at least let me enjoy my meal.   What a f*****g annoying way to start my day.                                                                             ----     “Okay, I know you’re all aware that Lemuel will be joining us, he will give you some tips, and ways to plan and execute, we hope to use all the knowledge he will be sharing with us.” Miss Laurine said. “Lemuel?” miss Laurine motion him to start whatever he wanted to do.   “Okay, I know you are all aware about this game.” He became serious, “Every group has its own strategy, once the game has started everyone was prepared to kill in order to survive.” I can’t imagine killing people for my own sake, “You will not be able to enter as a group, you will have to survive to find the other members.”   “I heard something was added to the rule, this year?” Finesse suddenly asked, I heard that too.   “Yes,” Miss Laurine handed him a stimulator, “These are rare gems,” he said and showed us a picture of six rare gems, “This year, they added a rule, you can either look for these gems, or just survive the game.”   “What’s the use of that gem?” Luke suddenly appeared out of nowhere, I didn’t feel his presence.   “You can use it in exchange of supplies, since you will be needing to stay inside the game for seven days, of course you have to eat, you have to drink, and if ever that you don’t have the healer beside you, might as well buy medical kit,” he explained, he raised his right hand and lift up two fingers, indicating about the second option for using the gems, “Second, is to exchange it for points. All of you are aware that this game is points base.” “Why do we have to exchange it for points? I mean, basically, you have to get and save your points then clear the game, so why bother?” Chad asked this time, I sighed, jeez.   Right, why bother?   “You don’t understand, Chad.” Lemuel said and flip the virtual book in front of us, “These gems are as precious as anything else in the game, what you obtain inside the game will always be inside the game.” I think I’m getting what he wants to say, “You can use these gems even after the game, if you are able to clear the game, then you can use these gems to get variety of missions outside the magic world, every gem that you will get has a corresponding key, that you have to  present to the counsel.” He explained clearly and briefly.   “We are not required to gather the stones but it’s a great advantage if we have some.” Finesse summarized the whole explanation.   “Exactly,” Lemuel answered and gave us a short nod.   “Question.” I raised my hand, Lemuel looked at me, his lips automatically curled up and form a mischievous smile.   “Yes, Letisha?” I don’t like the way he calls my names, it’s kind of annoying, and I don’t know why.   “What’s the big deal if we can exchange that gem for a key, and go to missions outside the magic world, if you can just sell it? I mean for me?” I heard Finesse chuckled, and Luke scratched his forehead.   “I understand where you are coming from,” he smirked, I know it was intended to offend me, but I didn’t feel that way, “Vior meet is just a test, if you are capable, once you win the game, you are automatically eligible to go outside and work to companies and branches with the connection to Zariya.” I was just listening to him, it’s an important piece of information that I can’t miss, “But once you have this key with a set of different and rare gems, you are now eligible to go on a mission, to clear a dungeon. From the lowest rank up to the highest rank dungeons, you choose.”   Dungeons, I will be able to enter dungeons. I heard that there are rare items that I can obtain upon clearing it.   I took a glance at the gem in front of us. I need to get that, no matter what.                                                                           -----   “What the f**k do you want now?” I’m not expecting to see a fucker as early as now. In front of me, is Captain’s cousin, f*****g Lemuel.   “I told you, come on, let’s eat breakfast together.” He said, while tapping the floor using his shinning black shoes. “Don’t you feel privileged? A captain from a winning group, is offering a meal with you? I would be, if I were you.”   I rolled my eyes in front of him, a sighed deeply, trying to contain the annoyance I am feeling right now, it will not be a good idea if I even try to fight with him, waste of time. I try to pass through him, but he stopped me by blocking my way using his right arm, “Don't mess with me. Let me through. ”   I heard him chuckled, “I always get what I want, Letisha.” He then leaned a bit, enough for him to reach for my ear, “And while I’m here, I want you, and your attention.”   He left first after saying that, and it made me more annoyed, I scoffed, attention my ass, he won’t be getting enough attention, I don’t want to see him entertain, I’m not something he can play just because I caught his attention. That fucker.   I decided to have a warm bath, fixed myself and went to the training room. It’s seven o’clock in the morning, I want to do some exercise before they arrive. I start the stimulator, at level four, I grab my dagger and started to avoid knives the stimulator is releasing, while trying to defend myself using my dagger.   I’m wondering how’s Cassandra and her family. I was not able to communicate with her after I enter this school. I have to get the gems no matter what, I want to enter and clear different dungeons. I needed that, I needed the money and the items I will be able to obtain.   I know it’s too early for me to plan that, base on my current level of magic, I won’t be able to withstand with a level four assassin or fighter, even for a level eight magician. I’m sure the higher the dungeon rank is, the more difficult for me to clear it.   There are different kinds of dungeon in six different lands. From the lowest up to the highest dungeon, and you can’t just enter alone you have to at least be with four to five other members. I don’t know if we are excluded to that rule, or we just have the key simply just to have the eligibility to enter a dungeon outside the magic world.   After finishing my last round with the stimulator, I cleaned up my mess and left the training room, I went straight to bath before changing into my uniform, and went to breakfast hall. I still have thirty minutes to eat, since we have to resume our training exactly at nine o’clock. “Hey, Isha! Here!” I heard Avery spoke, my forehead creased upon realizing that it’s not only Avery who’s sitting on the table. There’s Luke, Chad, Fin, and even Captain, oh, what’s happening?   “Based on your creasing brow, you might be wondering why we are all here?” Chad spurs out what’s inside my mind. He just motioned me using his lips on a certain spot. There I saw Headmaster, along with the other professors, eating quietly, they are not even talking nor glancing to each other.   So, this explains the oddly quiet hall today. I thought it was just because, it’s past the proper breakfast time, oh well. I shrug and made my way to the food stall and buy a good amount of food, using the card, Miss Laurine gave me, a few weeks ago. It helped me big time, I don’t have to leach out with Avery’s card, and I can go at my convenient time, well if it’s still possible.   “Hey, what’s with this eerie atmosphere?” I don’t have to look around just to know who that person is. I mean, for a short span of time, I knew he will have that audacity to shout around whatever and whenever he wants. Jeez, I hate him.   Other students started to laughed at his remarks, including Avery, I heard Fin scoffed, so as Luke and Chad. But we remain silent and continue eating our d=food and mind our own business.   “Hey there, my little protégés, so, how’s your breakfast, hmm? How’s your breakfast, Letisha?” he said then comfortably sit beside me. I saw how Jackson’s jaw tightened.   I put down my fork after I finished my last bread, and looked at him, “It was actually good, until you came.” I stood up, “If you will excuse me, attention seeker, I have to prepare for today’s training.” I heard Chad’s clearing his throat, maybe trying hard not to laugh, and Fin’s fine chuckled. She must be really wanted to laugh.                                                                               ----   At exactly nine o’clock, we started our training, everyone is so focused. We have one-on-one combat for this morning, just to warm things up, before we actually proceed to our real training. I chose Luke to have a training with me, since I haven’t tried a combat with him, and seems pretty cool with this.   I love his swift moves, how he blocked my attack, and how I was able to see his blind spots, and I’m sure he is not expecting that. I can’t block most of his moves, and we must not use any kind of magic now, especially when we are under combat training, we can’t always relay on our limited magic. After all, this game is a survival of the fittest, and we have to make sure that at the end of the game, it will be us, who will clear it.   “What the f**k? Why are you crying, b***h?!” we immediately halt when we heard Lemuel’s annoying voice, but what caught my attention is that Avery is on the ground, crying, with a cut on her face. “I told you, you have to be quick.”   “I was not supposed to be you sparring partner, I should be testing my new medicines now. I’m not in line with this combat, and not with you. I sh-“   “Oh, cut the crap! Can’t you just say that you’re just dumb, and can’t withstand with me? Loser.” He said that, while looking at Avery with disgust.   So, he is assuming that someone like Avery can withstand him? I’m not that smart, but I’m not as dumb as him to think and assume that a healer can be as strong and fast as he is. My blood feels like boiling, while seeing this in front of my eyes.   I was about to interfered when Luke held my arm and motioned me to stop and just stood up there. I looked at him with disbelief. He will let that happen? In front of his eyes.   No, not in my sight, “Hey, dumb Lemuel.” I can actually hear in my mind, them, facepalming themselves when they heard what I said.   “What,” he slowly lifted his head up, “the f**k,” and looked at me, “Did you,” in just a snap, he was in front of me, luckily, I immediately cast a spell and made a barrier to protect myself, “Just say?” but he was too strong, he quickly cracked my barrier, “I know, I’m fond at you, but you can’t just say things you don’t really mean, Letisha.” His jaw is tightened, his aura is starting to suffocate me.   I smirked, “Who says I don’t mean it? You are dumb.” I repeated, in just one blow, he destroyed my barrier. I jump away and created another barrier which he immediately destroyed.   “Then, I’ll make sure you will regret it. Your little friend is bitching around.” He said, while trying to aim for my body and my face, his punches are no joke, I can feel that in just one blow, he might be able to kill me, but I won’t let that happen. “I just wanted a little spar, but she refused, saying that we are not matched, and I should get another partner.”   “Well, maybe she was thinking that you are too bird brain and don’t want to waste time with you.” My mouth is working on its own, and the hell, I’m enjoying it. The feeling of my blood rushing through my veins is addicting.   “You and your little filthy mouth.” He is so mad right now, “You know what, I can kill you right here, and right now.” I saw him smirk, “And you know that I always get what I want, Letisha.”   My demon keeps on whispering, he wants to be out, he can feel an aura, a deadly aura, and he is a slave demon, he has to protect his master in any circumstances, but I’m not letting him out, “Then kill me, Lemuel. Kill me, if you can.” The second I said that, he gave me a deadly strike, right straight t my chest, that unable me to breath, I heard his sinister laugh, echoing through my ear.   “What the f**k! Lemuel, stop!”   “What are you doing? Stop them Rui!”   “I don’t know! Both their aura is too much to handle!”   Master, come on, let me out.   “I don’t need you right now, Zafron.”   “I’m going to kill you b***h, and yes, I can!” this is the real him, a monster, what should I be doing to monsters?   “Crescent blood.” I mumbled, and the blood that I got from him turned into a very sharp dagger, he did not saw that coming, he was to blinded with his anger, the moment he thought he will land an attack to me, blood immediately come out from his mouth.   His face is now turning to purple, indicating that he was poisoned, who would have thought that his own blood will poisoned him? Of course, nobody.   “What the f-fuck.”   “You’re not going to die. I won’t let you bring down any of us.” I lean for him to hear my words. “I told you, don’t mess with me, that also include my whole team.” what should I be doing to monsters?   Shut them up. "I told you, Zafron, I don't need you right now."                                          
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