
1352 Words
                        L E T I S H A       M A N A R I  “Thank you, Isha.” I just nod, while cleaning her wounds, I told her not to use her power for the mean time, she used to much power that she had nose bleed. “I mean for standing up for me.”   I did not answer, I’m thinking about what happen earlier, I let my emotions get into me again, I did not mean to use that one for him, not that I’m regretting I did it to that asshole, it’s just I’m afraid it might affect anything, the meet is two months from now, and I don’t have any plans to ruin anything.   “Letisha.” I turn my gaze up to Miss Laurine, “I need you to come with me.”   “Miss Laurine,” I stood up, “Look, I didn’t mean to get ahead of my emotions, he’ll not die with that simple poison, and besides, it’s his own blood, eventually his body will figure out how to heal himself,” she’s about to talk but I stop her, “Can we please not talk about that for now, and let’s focus on our training? Two months from now, and that survival game will decide if we are still going to live or not.”   She sighed and nod, “Okay, but I still need to talk to you, but not now.” I nod, “Alright, I’ll call Rue for the continuation of this training.”   Avery and I was left inside the training room after that one, Finesse and Luke stopped me, I almost lost all my control and kill him, jeez. Sometimes, I hate myself. I promise that I will be just a girl with an arcade magic, but now, because of these goddamn emotions, my secret will eventually be revealed, the f**k.   “Isha, are you okay?” I came back from my reverie when I felt Avery’s hand, tapping my shoulder, she looked worried.   “Yes, I’m okay. Don’t use your magic for the meantime, regain your magic,” she nods happily, I help her to stand up, “Get rest, I still have some trainings to do.”   When I made sure that I’m alone, I breath heavily, and turn on the stimulator, start to work on my agility. This is one of my weakness, to move fast, while thinking fast. My body is responding to my heart beat, I feel the rushing of my blood, excitement is piling up, my lips curled up as I started to move, dodge and cut the balls using my dagger.   That asshole is really something, he pissed me off, big time, and I hate it, how did I just end up beating that hella one guy using just one of my blood magic? Crescent blood, is one of the curse magic I attained, this will enable me to do battle, far away from my opponent, but it requires their own blood, I need a portion of their blood, I’m killing them using their own blood. I just have to combined another magic to their blood, to make it more poisonous, and it will kill them in less than a minute.   That’s one of my most dangerous magic, good thing I just used that asshole blood to poison him, he might end up dead if I mix that with my own elixir, he is still lucky after all, I hope this will become a lesson to him, that he can’t just get what he wants.   I dodge the last burning ball and turn off the stimulator, as I heard a heavy footstep, I chuckled and tie my hair, my sweat is all over my body, I didn’t know how long I’ve been practicing with the stimulator. I knew that footsteps, he is mad.   “What the f**k do you think you’re doing?” Jackson’s voice echoed to the whole training room, although I did not budge, I was really expecting him, scolding me, because of my recklessness. I know, he would never like a girl like me inside his group. He will never treat me the way he treated the other members.   “What? I give him the taste of his own medicine,” I pulled out the last dagger I accidentally throw earlier, not looking at him, “And I think, he deserves it.”   “What the f**k, Letisha?!” he held up my arm, “What do you think will be the result of your recklessness? Huh? Do you think your heroism will be rewarded? Well, I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but instead of praises and rewards, you might get scolding and punishment, I already told you! Stop making reckless decisions! It will bring you nowhere!”   My palm formed a fist, I greeted my teeth, enduring the pleasure of talking back with him, I want him to finish his side first before I utter any possible word that might take us into something unpleasant.   “And what, now you did that to Lemuel? For f***s sake! He knows how to manipulate people around him! He can even expel, and worst kill you in this very instant! What were you thinking, that you almost killed him, using your own magic?! I was just not around for a moment, yet I’ll hear this news? Do you really want to ruin this group?!”   I looked at him, with the deadest look that I can give him, my chest is pounding, not because of excitement, nor anger, but because I feel hurt, I’m offended right now, but no, I will not cry, not because of him, tears mean weakness, and I’m not weak, not in front of him.   “Are you done?” I calmly said, but in any minute, I know myself, I’m like a bomb right now, waiting for my trigger.   His forehead crease, “What?”   “I said, are you done?”   “Letisha, this is not the right time to—”   “What do you want me to do? Let that asshole do whatever he wants? Not in my sight, Jackson.”   “That’s not the point! There’s Miss Laurine, and Sir Rui, why do-“   “Why do I have to step out? Why? Can’t I do something when I see that one of our members is being bully and hurt by someone who wouldn’t mind inflicting pain to other person just because it boosts their ego? Miss Laurine? Sir Rui? Do you think I’ll step up if they did something in the first place? I may not be as strong as him, as capable as him, as winner as him, as successful as him, but at least, I know that I can't just cause a ruckus especially to my teammates,”   “Lemuel is something you can’t just d-“   “Like what you said, Jackson, I am a reckless girl who will do whatever I want, so just think it that way, but may I remind you,” I lean a bit, I can see how confused he was, “You always say that I should act as one of you, so I did, and a real member shall look after each other, and do their part. Avery is one of ours, so I did what a member should do, I protect her from a possible harm,” I sighed heavily, trying my best not to teared up, “So, as a captain please do your job, and protect your member, and whoever that person who get in your way, should be punish, for now, you’re Jackson and not my captain.”      
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