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        “Settle down, come here, Letisha.” Miss Laurine said as we stepped out of the training field and Chad turned off the training apparatus.   I was about to walked when I felt that my body lost its balance, and I fell to the ground. My legs are shaking, my head is throbbing, and I feel like vomiting. Damn it.   “Oh.” Chad approaches me, “Looks like someone drain her magic on the first day of training.” He said and assisted me; he carefully held my arms. “You never did that before?” he asked.   “What?” I creased my forehead.   “Using that great amount of magic?” I just nod.   He’s right. I never used my magic in that way, I usually use just my body combined with one magic, because it was tiring. I did not formally attend a school and learn how to enhance my magic. I learned and practice that on my own.   “That’s a good job, for a first timer. Great job, Letisha.” Miss Laurine said.   I just sat on a nearby chair and took a deep breath. My body feel so drained, how am I going to survive to the game? I know there is a lot of participants, who is much stronger than this man.   “Oh, jeez, she’s bleeding Miss Laurine.” Chad said, “We should call Ave-oh she’s here.”   There, a girl entered. She was actually stumbling, she has this curly, ruby colored hair, paired with amber colored eyes, thin-heart-shaped lips, she looks like a living doll. She fixed her dolomiti glasses.   “Hi, sorry. I’m late, I know.” she smiled sheepishly, “I have to read books for healing, Lady Shin left those home works for me.” she explained. That justifies the round black bags on her eyes. She looked at me, smiling, seems thrilled that she met me, “Hi! I heard we have a new teammate. That must, be you?” she hurriedly and excitedly grabbed my hand, “I’m Avery, healer.” She introduced herself.   “Cut that first, heal her, Avery.” Jackson told her, and she immediately obliged. “I have to see the Headmaster. I’ll go ahead, Miss Laurine.” He said, Miss Laurine just nodded, and that’s his que to leave.   I looked at him, he seems very focused on his goal, he has his time management, he knows when and where to decide. He knows himself well. I envy that side of him.   “Okay, Chad and Fin, go help yourselves.” Miss Laurine said.   I suddenly felt warm feeling on my arms. Then I saw Avery, healing my arms, little by little, I am feeling my strength flowing in every part of my body, every vein, every organ, even my heart, I felt its stabilizing beat. I feel calm right now.   “This is my primary magic, healing grace, my magic allows me to accelerate healing in the wounded body of a person, which also allows me to reattach limbs. As she is only accelerating healing, she is unable to heal things like disease or disabilities.” After treating my arm, she then next start treating my hand that is full of cuts, and wounds, “And the comfort, calmness and stable heartbeat you are feeling right now is because of this.” She then showed me a piece of leaf that I didn’t know, “This is called niramaya leave. I discovered it while reading book related to healing.”   “Why would you even need that? You have healing magic.” I said while watching her treating my wounds.   “Hmm, I know, but I have to, in that battle I can’t waste any mana, any power, any strength. I want to use my magic when I really need to. I have to heal all of you, and that would be very tiring. So, I’m trying to studying any possible alternatives to heal you all faster than the usual, since it’s a survival game. Every second is fatal.”   She has a big point for that, that’s a check.     “But hey, you are so awesome!” I looked at her, confused. “Wait, you didn’t know?”   “Know what?” did I do something again? Did I break any rule again?   “You are the first person who beat our captain, I mean on their first try.” She laughed, “I won over him, on my sixteenth try.”    “What? You are that weak?” I blurted out, I thought she would feel offended with what I just said, I mean it’s just a slip of the tongue.   “I mean, hey, I’m a healer, I’m supposed to heal, not to hurt.” She doesn’t sound defensive nor mad. Probably used to that.   “But still, it’s a survival game. You have to do all the means to survive.” She nods and gave me a bright smile.   “Point taken, but we have different kinds of training, as for me, I have potion class, advance healing, and many other sessions for me to enhance my magic, I still undergo tactics and physical training, but of course far different from yours.”   “I see.” I answered, while she continued to heal my wounds.                                                                                     --     “For now, I want to know what your magic is.” Miss Laurine said to me.   I looked at the whole room, “Can we not do it here? I mean this place is too, uhm, congested.”   She just smiles, “Go on, this place is secured with shield magic, and you won’t harm anyone in this room, not me, nor you. You just have to show and explain what kind of magic you are possessing. I know you are holding something unique, I can sense that, and don’t worry, I respect privacy.” She smiled knowingly.   “Okay, but I need you to do something for me,” she just shrug, “I need a drop of your blood.” She was confused, but she still did what I told her, she pricked herself, using her nail, and immediately gave me two drops of her blood.   I cut my own finger and mixed it with her blood. I’m so nervous right now, this will be the first time that I will be doing this one, and I don’t know why the hell I oblige to her request. I used to just act for myself. Damn it.   for a few moments I felt the gradual warming of my body, along with the flow of a strange feeling in me, something unusual yet comforting. “Sealing magic: drop of life.” I mumbled, before releasing my magic in the air.   “This will be the first time that I’m using it, and I have no real training.” I tried to explained to her, while trying to control it in my hands, which was now shaking. I’m using too much mana for this.   “Then what’s the use of this magic? Can you explain?” I heard her talking, comfortably.   “This is an arcane magic, an ancient magic used by my ancestors, when they are doing the ritual for good harvesting, once or twice a year. This are like bonds. Once our blood mixed, a fellow creature will appear with the mixture of our bloods, and will serve as our connection.” In just a second, a creature that I haven’t seen appear in front of us. It’s like a half deer and half lion.   “Oh, looks like creatures will appear depends on the blood that manifests when they were created.” She said, amused on what she was seeing right now.   I immediately closed my eyes and calmed myself. When I opened my eyes, the creature was no longer in front of us, and not more than a minute, I tasted the metallic liquid from my nose to my lips.   “Uh-oh. I see, you don’t have enough control with this magic,” she handed me a handful of tissue to wipe the blood from my nose. “But that would be not a problem. “I will assign someone to help you in controlling it.”   My forehead creased, “You told me that you resp-“ she motioned me to stop by raising her hand.   “Yes, I know, and yes, I value and respect that, I will be doing it. I’ll help you unleash your true magic. I know something inside you, there is a hidden gem, a treasure that needs to be dig. So, we will dig that together.”   She said meaningfully, and I was left there, trying to comprehend what she was saying, it’s too deep that I actually spent the rest of my day thinking about it.                                                                             ---   “All the students are required to proceed on the auditorium. I repeat, All the students are required to proceed on the auditorium.” “All the students are required to proceed on the auditorium. I repeat, All the students are required to proceed on the auditorium.”   I woke up with that loud noise from the speaker, I looked at my wall clock, and saw that it’s seven o’clock in the morning,   “All the students are required to proceed on the auditorium. I repeat, All the students are required to proceed on the auditorium.”   What the f**k.   I mumbled my own rants to myself before standing up and decided to fix my bed. I ain’t no have helper., still annoyed.   However, I still have to obey rules and announcement, and one of them is going to the f*****g auditorium. What the hell should we be doing there at this hour? I groaned and did myself.   When I arrived, no members of the group can be found. I don’t know where the hell they are, but I’m not bothered, they lived here for a long time more than I did. Looks like many students has arrived. One by one, they are filling the empty chairs.   The whole auditorium started to get crowded, I didn’t know it can accommodate all the students here in one room, well, it’s not called auditorium for nothing. Everyone seems excited. So, this is not the first time this will happen? Based on their reactions, they are not confused, not frighten, instead, they are indeed excited, like they are expecting this one.   Later on, some members of the counsel came on stage, along with other staffs, they arranged something on stage. A table, and a round like object, it’s similar to ball like crystal used by fortune tellers on down town. What the heck is this?   “Good morning, students. Let us welcome and give around of applause to our Headmaster.” One of the counsels said, so we all stand up and gave him an applause as our way of welcoming him.   “Good morning to all of you.” He roamed his eyes, that’s when I saw Avery, waving her hand on me, and pointing a chair beside her. Oh, I didn’t know that we have our place even on the auditorium. I shrug, and chose to stay on my spot. “I am aware that each of you were anticipating this moment,” he held the crystal, and it glows, “And today, we will continue it today.” I can feel their excitement, I still don’t understand why is it necessary to gather everyone just for this event?   “AS for those who’s a new student, this event held, every third Friday of the month. This,” he pointed out the round crystal, “Is called, Fortune magic. This will help us to identify where you must belong, and what power you held in your hands, we also want to empower everyone, to do their best and go beyond your limit, by reaching your full potential.”   So, this crystal will tell what power we hold? For what?   “Like the traditional part, we will start with our meet representatives.” I halt when I realized what he said. Meet? Is he pertaining to us? “May we call the participants of our upcoming meet!”   They all clapped their hands, one by one they stood up and made their way to the stage, and I had no other choice but to go with them, I don’t want to make a scene out of this. This is not the right time to play dumb nor brat.   “Chad?” Headmaster motioned Chad to come closer, so as Chad did. He did as what he was told, he put his hand to the crystal, and in a second, it glows, a color green inside the crystal, appeared.   “Jeez, I want to make a c***k with the thick skull crystal.” He said, and students laughed because of that.   “Chad Joe, primary defense, special magic, level three.” One of the counsels announced and wrote something on the paper she was holding.   “Next, Luke?” like what he did to Chad, he motioned Luke to come closer, and Luke did as what he was told.   He put his hand on the crystal, and appear a white glow shines in front of us. “Ugh! I promised to make a c***k to that damned crystal.”   He seems frustrated, what’s their issue about cracking that crystal? From Chad up to Luke, they are both saying the same thing, as if, it was a goal for them.   “Luke Grayson, primary defense, wind magic, level three.” One of the counsels announced again and wrote something on the paper she was holding.   “Next, let’s have Finesse Vaude.” Fin just come without saying anything nor smiling to greet the headmaster, and it seems that the head master was so used to it, that he just laughed her expression.   Fin put her hand on the crystal, and it glows was pink, intimidating pink, what was that for?   “Finesse Vaude, deceiver, dream magic, level three.” The headmaster smiled at her, “Very well, Miss Vaude.”   She just shrugged and come back to her spot where she was actually standing before she was called by the headmaster, I never saw how her dream magic works, I bet, it’s cute, not suitable for the owner. Jeez.   “Next, let’s have our adorable healer, Avery Cole.” Said the headmaster, and Avery was smiling so widely, as he come closer to the crystal and put her hand, it glows into a purple one. Is that what healers color, are? It’s like a poison colored one. “You surprisingly matured from the last time Miss, Cole.”   “Thank you!” she responded happily.   “Avery Cole, healing grace, level three.” One of the counsels announced again and wrote something on the paper she was holding. Avery smiled at her before coming back to her spot.   “Next, our captain.” Jackson just nodded and immediately put his hand on the crystal, it glows in to black, then dark violet, then it combines, and what was shocking is that it leaves an almost five inches c***k on the crystal. Wow. Impressive one. “As expected, he left a c***k in the crystal. He is not a captain for nothing.” I heard the students gasp.   “Jackson Black, dark magic, level five.” Jackson just nodded at came back to his spot, as if he did not do something that is astonishing.   “And last but not the least, our new member, please come closer.” I did what I was told, “For a while, let’s replace this one, this might affect the result.” Someone from the staffs immediately replaced it. “Go on.” He motioned me to do what my other co members did.   I put my hand on the crystal, and waited for it to glow. My forehead immediately creased when it changed from one color to another, from one, mixed to another, the repeatedly happen.   “What the f**k?” I blurted out what’s inside my mind, it turns dark, that it eats the crystal, it doesn’t glow white, it glows in so much darkness. Wait, wait, f**k! And in just a second, it exploded!   I was saved by a barrier, made by one of the counsels. We are all left there, mystify of what we just saw. I can’t even talk. The whole auditorium has gone so quite that you have to take a second look to make sure that they are still there. I can’t even hear their breathing nor their heart beats.   The barrier disappeared, and we are all looking at the broken pieces of the crystal. What the f*****g f**k did I just do? Is this because of Zafron’s magic? That devil!   I heard the headmaster cleared his throat, I can see that he was contemplating if he will say the right answer, or he will just remain quiet and just choose not to tell them the truth. I heard him sighed, “Letisha Manari, sealing magic, level seven.”   In the end, he chose not to tell the students, he chose to make it a secret between us, my magic that made the crystal explode, is a forbidden magic, a magic that came from the devil.
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