I remember..

1200 Words
Lisa thought it was just a dream but it didn't feel like it. She kept feeling hazy by the moment. She goes to the shower to cool off her body. "First the weird chest pains and now this. What is really wrong with me." She stood beneath the shower water letting it run over her . Once again she felt light headed . Images flashed in her mind blurring her vision. Many she didn't understand but she definitely recognized the house in the forest. She reached for the wall to balance herself forgetting the floor was wet and slippery. She tripped and hit hard the shower door finally hitting the floor. The pain gushed through her whole body. She whined as she right after came to her sense. "Damn!" she rubbed her arm that broke her fall. She forced herself to get up shaking her head. She immediately noticed she tripped over a bar of soap that had mistakenly fallen to the floor. "Stupid soap." She cursed before leaving the bathroom. She went on to put her fresh clothes. Something about the visions encouraged her to visit the forest again. She quickly got into the car and heading to where the house was. She surprisingly knew that road very well. Or maybe it's just the vision guiding her. She arrives at the forest. Dark as she remembers it , she thinks. She exhales deeply before walking out of the car. She strides between the dark woods scared as hell , but she was not turning back now. She hugs herself to ..(block) the cold air , it might as well that she's just scared. "Ah!!" A crunch sounded below her feet. She quickly glanced between her legs "a twig? I can't believe I was scared by a twig." She shrugs and continues forward. "Maybe it's not so bad after all." She could visibly see the black gate. Just as she remembers, she can't tell why this feels so familiar. "Time to find out what's behind those gates." She walks towards the gate , luckily it's unlocked. The big house , that says "I was once beautiful too." Why would someone leave such a good house , she can't tell. The .. crawling up the walls. The painting hanging on for dear life. The .. grass and shrubs. "Kind of looking scary though." She ..(walk) towards the door. " Not locked. Mhmh." The house did not look so bad from the inside. Though the house dark color made it seem a little (scary). "Hopefully it's not haunted." "Bam!!" " Ahh!!" She quickly turns as a loud thurd was heard from behind. "Ohh. It's just the door." She breathes out relief. " Surely the must be a switch somewhere. Bingo." She flips the switch eliminating the darkness. "That's better." The house looked way less scary with the lights on. All around the kitchen , all around the dining room nothing seemed to be very much helpful. So she went upstairs. "Wow!" She admired the beautiful bedroom. " So someone actually leaved here. In the woods?. Well it's either they are really brave or they are really brave. I can't imagine even leaving here." She walks towards the very big bed. She slides her hands against the walls. It felt like she knew them. As she walked besides the walls she notices a small button. Without even thinking she pressed it. "That could have been a bomb…" Her eyes "wide open) as a door opened in front of her. "Clothes? Who's clothes is this?" Lisa walked inside to what looked like a closet. " I really can't believe someone actually leaved here." Lisa ran her fingers through the clothes. Then she stops in front of on of the T-shirts. She takes into her hands , looked into it before bringing it to her nose. The powerful, rich and yet alluring smell immediately making her feel hazy. Everything goes blurry before total darkness. A dead body lying on its own blood and a guy holding a gun , with Lisa staring at the whole scene (terrified). "Maybe you should forget about the dishes for a moment." Photos of a girl with who was seemingly his boyfriend certainly shuttering her heart. "Ohh nothing I just want something sweet today." The memory of Diana serving her A beautiful eligant lady walking inside Diana's working place. She feels disgusted I love you too. Her boyfriend confessed his affection for her. He said it was his first. " You never told anyone you loved them? Lisa was surprised. From being a stripper at some club to being an owner of her own restaurant. "…Where the owner?" "I'm looking at it." " Pack your bags we need to leave." ;- The dark forest, becoming friends with a lion all coming back to her. ;- The dark forest , the dark gloomy castle. ;- Nursing his wounds. ;- Being kidnapped by vampires. Mind reading vampires. Lucy;- But who was Lucy? Tan;- "find me" Who was Tan? Lisa snapped back to reality. Feeling dizzy she searched for balance. "What happened?" She rubbed her painful forehead. The she remembered. " What was that vision? Why was I there? Who were those people. Her mind raced in confusion. All her friends were there , but how? In her mind she kept asking who's Tan? Why does she want to be found? Is he in danger? Did something bad happen to him? "I have to get to the bottom of this." She had no clue where to start but she knew she had to do something. With the T-shirt on her hand she went back to her car. She sat on the driver's seat thinking. "Angie was working with me at the bar right?" She recalled."Maybe she knows something." She picked up her phone calling Angie. After a few seconds she picked up. "Hey Angie, how are doing?" "I'm good." " Yeah well. I wanted to ask something. Do you by any chance know a guy by the name of Tan?" " What about Andy? Doesn't he know him?" " No? Well that's fine." " Nothing. I was just curious. It's fine if you don't know him." " I'll see you later okay." She hangs up the phone with a long sigh. "No knows him. Why am the only who remembers him then?" Then the word remember making her realize something. All this, it must be the past. Looking at how weathered the house was, could have happened a while back. But then she also remembers , not once in her life she had encountered such events. She remembers growing up , Finishing college , meeting a man she thought was her soulmate , getting married. Not dating a Tan , being kidnapped , owning restaurants , Vampires and Warewolves. "Could this have been my past life? Why is it coming up now. Well it doesn't matter I remember now." The two man dragging Tan away , they call him Lucy. "Maybe that's just his other name." Lisa drove out of the forest back home. "I think I need a walk." She took her mini bag and left the house.
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