Chapter 11

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Anemone contest: The Queen of splendor After a long time of not hosting his so called “The poetry session with Ivory” he came up with something different that people didn't expect, “The Anemone contest” was some sort of a beauty pageant competition traditionally focused on judging and ranking the physical attributes of the contestants. All the ladies contesting had to at least compete Alicia's level of beauty for the price. Even though according to Ivory, none of the ladies can even get close to match Alicia's gorgeousness, but the most beautiful amongst the contestants was to be crowned the winner. Ivory was able to achieve this by the sponsorship of Chameleon Custom Crafts and Hair Accessories, A start-up enterprise Solely managed by Miquette Bower that delights in the art of handcrafted goods, Offering the best quality products in the digital printing technology industry thriving to meet customer demands in a highly competitive growing market. From chameleon Custom Crafts, all contestants were to receive branded T-shirts with an image of Alicia front of it, and the writing at the back “The most pulchritudinous and splendiferous, windflower the ethereal h****n, Anemone the queen of splendor.” After everything was arranged and done with, fliers, billboards and post started circulating about the contest, the date, venue and time. This was also trending on social media that Ivory the poet is back with a hit. When the day of the contest arrived, the contestants went an extra mile, beautifying themselves as much as they could to match Alicia, they buttered themselves with beauty Puffs and so on. A classic banner that had a stunning picture of Alicia was placed outside at the entrance of the venue. Inside was a statement wall that was designed to attract the guests to click photos or selfies. Paper flowers, foil curtains, and Alicia's photo backdrop, strings of fairy lights, balloons and a lot more were used to decorate the statement wall. People started lodging inside, you could tell that they've missed Ivory's poetry sessions, one of the biggest fans of Ivory was his girlfriend Tricia and eight years old daughter Angela, and they came in first to reserve the front seats. Almost about 90 % of the venue was filled and to Ivory's dissatisfaction, there was no signs of the woman of the moment, Alicia. However hope was retained when he saw madam no age restrictions coming in followed by Veronica and Mercy, but again no Alicia. He had no choice but to start without her, so he went on to greet and welcomed everyone and introducing them to the theme he said; “this is...........” just before he could finish his statement, he was disturbed by a lady with a pear body shape having a defined waist, and proportionately slim arms and shoulders. Hips and bottom wider than her shoulders and bust. She was wearing a black sleeveless long dress, black shades and a white ginger Mary hat. She also put on Fingerless white bridal gloves, the gloves extends over the back of her wrist like an upside down V, secured with a strip of fabric that slips over the middle finger. Ivory took a deep breath and smiled, finally Alicia has arrived. Three men escorted her to the podium and there was a bejeweled chair decorated with her name on it. Before she could sit there, she was presented with a belt written “the queen of splendor” and then she sat on the throne. Everything was a surprise to her, she didn't get the point of what was exactly happening but had no choice but to play along. Ivory then said; “today marks the most special day of my life, we all gathered here to celebrate the beauty of one person that means the world in my life. I call her the windflower of mountain Anemone and the pelagic bird of the open seas (looking at Alicia on the throne) so the rule of the contest is to find someone who can at least try to match the most beautiful female on planet earth” (pointing at Alicia on the throne). Ivory's girlfriend Tricia and his daughter Angela were sitting in front watching and at the same time felt ill at ease. Ivory couldn't even look at them as if they were not present. He continued with the contest, and the contestants presented themselves and a beautician was present to select the most beautiful amongst the participants. The winner named ‘Rosina’ was given personal care products. These included, skin moisturizers, perfumes, lipsticks, fingernail polishes, eye and facial makeup preparations, shampoos, permanent waves, hair colors, toothpastes, and deodorants. Ivory again ascended the podium to congratulate the winner, he lifted up his eyes and in the middle row, and he saw Alicia sitting next to Veronica. Out of shock, he went to closely examine the lady on the throne and he discovered that she was actually not Alicia. The look of disappointment on his face, he stole glances at Alicia looking very reluctant. In the meantime, Alicia gave him a flirty wave, Ivory glanced down and again lifted his eyes to crowd. He took the mic and thanked everybody for presenting themselves, all the contestants, the beautician for judging fairly and most outstandingly; Chameleon Custom Crafts and Hair Accessories for making the event more prominent and successful “so we've come to the end of our contest, I'm Ivory your poet thank you very much dismissed.” He then turned on the mysterious lady on the throne to enquire who she was, but the throne was empty, when he lifted his eyes in search of her, she was already exiting the venue. People then scattered after the event, refreshments were offered. Ivory's daughter, jumped to the podium in excitement of his father after some time of not seeing him. Nevertheless, Ivory tried to ignore her at all cost so that Alicia doesn't get any suspicions. After witnessing that Ivory was avoiding his daughter Angela, Tricia went to take her away. However, before she could walk away with her daughter, she wanted to have a word with him about his recent silly behaviors and to find out if they still have a relationship or not. However, in the middle of their conversation, Alicia was already there to express her gratitude to him for making the event about her. Ivory chuckled, saying “by the way meet my childhood friend Tricia, she is a Chartered Accountant graduate completed her studies 3 years ago, she's one of the unlucky graduate who are jobless. By the way this is her daughter Angela.” “Wow nice to meet you, I'm Alicia let me leave you guys to catch up” she left. Tricia and her daughter left at once, they have already found the answer, and the manner in which Ivory introduced them to Alicia says it all. In meantime, Mercy, madam no age restriction and Veronica were stunned asking Alicia what was really happening, for all over the place was Alicia's pictures and the contest was about the contestants contesting to match her beauty. Apparently, they thought she knew about it but she didn't. Ivory was so keen to explain himself to Alicia about what has emerged during the session. Therefore, he went outside in search of her, and they were already leaving when he came out. He rushed them calling “Alicia can I have a word with you?” Alicia didn't mind, she stopped, and they both followed slowly behind Mercy, Veronica and madam no age restriction. Ivory tried to explain the issue of the mysterious lady, he stressed out saying; “I gave three men at the door your description and instructions to take you to the throne, so they might have mistaken her with you”. Alicia was pleased with everything she saw, and she understood Ivory's point and it was just water under the bridge. She was so tickled to know that someone cared so much to have done what ivory did, unlike Dimitri; he was just a controlling freak, jealous, overprotective and insecure husband. Meanwhile when they were still talking, a blue jeep was seen taking madam no age restriction as usual, leaving Mercy and Veronica. However, what they didn't notice was a silver polo vivo hatch 1.4 trend line stalking them and that is where they last saw madam no age restrictions.
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