Chapter 10

657 Words
A moment of bliss After few days of stalking Alicia, Ivory finally managed to get her full attention. One day while roaming around her street, he noticed a black Mercedes Benz leaving her compound; it was Alicia's husband Dimitri. Alicia was waiting at the gate waiving at Dimitri when he left. She was wearing an off shoulder crop top - having fallen sleeves, and a black Mid-Calf length type of leggings falling between the knee and ankle, having a short length. These gave a total display of her hourglass shaped body – well-balanced bust and hips, her waist was perfectly defined and shaped, her waist gracefully curves out to her hips having gently rounded shoulders that align nicely with her hips. She most likely had a well-rounded bottom and perfect side as well and front profile, her upper body was proportionate in length to her well-shaped legs. Absolutely stunning, that even Ivory was short of words. Stealing glances at her, Alicia noticed him just as she was about to close the gate. Moreover, remembering her last encounter with him she laughed saying “hey you, what’s your name again?” Ivory smiled, stuttering, “I'm Iv...............” just before he could finish, Alicia said “Ivory, the poet right?” “Nailed it, yes (Ivory giggling), but I didn't get your name” Ivory responded. Alicia smiled and said, “But if I remember very well you gave me a name that suits you, I wouldn't mind if you call me that.” Stealing another glance at her, Ivory responded with red-faced pubescent giggles at the mention of that, followed by a shower of appraisals saying “the most pulchritudinous and splendiferous, windflower the ethereal h****n, Anemone the queen of splendor”. Alicia smiled in return, though people considered her greatly because of her beauty, Alicia was just simple and friendly making her desirability even more daring. She became more of an indoor girl after the young man lost his life after being crushed by that truck, courtesy of her beauty. “You're a beautiful woman windflower, everything about you just gives me a sleepless night, I'm sorry if that doesn't sit you well, I know you're a married woman, but there’s a peace of my mind hanging around you” Ivory stated. In response to that Alicia said; “I'm Alicia by the way, thanks for the compliments, but as for your peace of mind I'm sorry i can't help, you said it yourself I'm a married woman.” Ivory kept silent for a moment, he was sweating not knowing what to say next. However finally he asked “please Alicia if i can't date you can I at least do something, just one thing to celebrate how beautiful you’re” “And what is that? (Giggling,) are you going to faint again before me? Alicia asked” Ivory smiled in awkwardness “No, Alicia please don't say that, maybe let's say your beauty is my weakness in life, mind you, just for teasing me about my collapse, i guess you owe me that one favor”. “You got me there” Alicia responded, “whatever it is its fine, but please don't do anything stupid i don't want another blood on my name” she insisted. Ivory was very excited at Alicia's approval, one more thing he needed was a beautiful snap of her and its done. Alicia didn't mind that as well. Ivory took out his phone to take the snap, meanwhile Alicia turned away from the camera so that only three-quarters of her body is visible. For a perfect three-quarter pose, she put one foot behind the other and turned her hips away from the camera. Then she turned her upper body towards the camera so that her face and shoulders are facing the lens. Ivory took a perfect photo of her. One more thing, and there he went off.
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