Chapter 3

565 Words
The bar Few days after the burial, Alicia wanted some fresh air alone apart from her associates. She then went straight to a bar to relax her cognizance and take at least few hot shots before vacating the place. Apparently, she was too hard on herself; she strongly believed she might be the reason behind the death of the young man as his two friends accused her to be. Alicia could hear his voice shouting “please don’t kill me, please don’t kill me I don’t want to die” she could also see him kneeling down acting all crazy. She was beginning to cultivate some soft spots for him but it was too late. All these guilt were interrupted by a guy who came in the bar. After setting his eyes on her he went on and said to her; “good whatever time of the day it is my dear you, my name is me and I present myself to you.” When Alicia was about to open her mouth to tell him to go to hell, the guy said; “shhhh” signaling her to shush. And again said “please don’t say anything, if I was rich I would pay for every single word that comes out of your mouth but I’m not, I must confess that Like a monarch butterfly wrapped in its cocoon, Enclosed in that one-piece garment you look amazingly impressive, Like a rosebud cherry blossoms from the dazzling of the sun rays Your eyes glitters with fieriness and intense tender glance What’s the clandestine behind the nature of your physical attraction? Tell me your relationship with flowering almond, Moreover, make me understand the value of your visual aspects For the entire, you looks like a spring blooming. Your presence is so refreshing like the cool winds of summer Snuffing out the polydipsia that comes with the craving sun If glamour is what set you apart than the rest, Then shall I call you the most pulchritudinous and splendiferous, Windflower, the ethereal h****n, Anemone, the queen of splendor.” Everyone in the bar just screamed “woooooow” Alicia was flattered, she was just batting her eyelids in a shy sentiment and entertained in the meantime. Seeing that he relaxed her heart, the guy said “by the way my name is Ivory the poet and you’re?” Alicia responded with a smile, she stood up picking her hand back, glanced at him with another smile and there she proceeded to the entrance of the bar. Then a tall muscular man was seen taking her handbag and ushered her into a black Mercedes Benz at Ivory’s careful observation. That apparently was Dimitri, Alicia’s husband; they got married six years ago. Though Dimitri was a cool guy, he was a jealous and insecure man when it comes to his wife Alicia. Ivory wobbled his head with a companionate smile when Alicia gave her last glance at him, he returned inside the bar when they drove out of the premises. While sitting down, he ordered a glass of wine; the kindhearted smile couldn’t depart his face. He lifted up the glass and said; “though I may not know your name, but I’m pleased to call you my windflower of genus Anemone, a member of the butter cup family Ranunculaceae” he then drank the wine and departed the place.
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