Chapter 2

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Chapter 1 Her Blossom looks Once upon a time in the land of Homo sapiens where when one is in love, a cliff becomes a meadow. Beautiful in every sense of inclination; the reflection of the mirror said the same thing, Having a good bone structure, indeed Alicia was equipped with the best qualities of arousing interest. Her beauty was a song every man couldn't stop singing; Lyrics that none of them could ever forget. Turning around in front of the mirror, it couldn't deny that she was strikingly attractive. For even the clothes could testify to her Beautiful high-bosomed figure. With those stunning large dark eyes that held numerous men captive. Glancing at the mirror, she murmured; “beauty is a crown, ugliness is just a clown, no wonder when they smile they still look like they frown". She giggled making her way out in a red dress that exposed her best weapons of attraction. There she goes heading to the park to join her friends for a usual girls chill out. While crossing the roads in downtown, three young men walking towards her direction couldn’t stop glancing at her. At their approach, one of them shouted “please don’t kill me, please don’t kill me I don’t want to die” he was kneeling down looking all startled. Alicia stopped feeling humiliated, for people around stood by witnessing what was up-to-the-minute. She then yelled at the young man saying; “What is wrong with you, are you crazy or something?” the other two guys were observing their friend pulling an unexpected stunt. However in response to Alicia’s furry the young man said; “100% my dear you, indeed it is your beauty that drives me senseless, and I believe by your heart reckoning I’ll be free from this craziness please help me.” “You’re so annoying you know that?” Alicia responded while walking out on him. In the meantime, his friends were walking forward slowly until they disappeared after turning a curve. It was when the young man grasped that Alicia wasn’t moved by his acts of being crazily in love that he decided to also rush his friends. However, he couldn’t stop gazing at Alicia, but just before he could reach the curve, the young man did a reverse walk eyeing at Alicia anticipating she might look back so he could give her a blow kiss, but she didn’t. While walking on a reverse mode, the young man lost his footing and slipped on a pothole, he fell with his back in the middle of the road. In that instance, a loaded truck came in a high speed turning the curve and it was too late for him to shift to a safe place, so the truck crumpled his head and he died at the scene. It didn’t take long before the place was flooded with people to witness that gruesome moment. Since that day, the curve was referred to as ‘the curve of gruesomeness’ for no horrific experience of such has ever happened there. Alicia on the other hand couldn’t notice anything, she just saw people wailing and running in contrasting direction with her. Suddenly she was eager to find out what was going on. Therefore, she certainly went back discontinuing her ride. At her approach, she witnessed a mob of people forming a circle as if they were surrounding something. She then paved a way to see what was at the center and behold! A young man who just provoked her with some pieces of stupidity was laying lifeless on the road. The young man’s friends were already at the scene howling. Apparently, after they disappeared from the curving road, they waited for him under a tree and decided to go check what was holding him after minutes of not showing up. It was then that they saw his corpse on the road and the truck was long gone. An ambulance took his body to the crematorium, and few days later, it was time for the burial ceremony. Many people within the region attended the funeral including Alicia and her girlfriends. They were wearing in black as a symbol of mourning the deceased. As the burial was conducted as arranged by the servant of God, after uttering “dust to dust and ashes to ashes” he instructed one of the young man at his vicinity to pass him a shovel. The young man went forth to fetch it for him, next to where the shovels were stacked, was Alicia and her friends standing by. The young man curved down to take the shovel and in the process, he remarked the soft legs and beautiful pedicure of one of Alicia’s friends “Mercy”. He then lifted his head and saw her dusted with a high pigment facial formula for blooming; she was light in complexion that her looks captured his attention. With her lips buttered in a glossy, rosy red lip oil, you could tell that he was craving for her affection. Her lashes was vamped up with mascara black without clogging together, what a stunning look she possessed! The young man took the shovel as fast as he could in shambles and made his way back to the Clergyman, however while walking, he missed a step in a process of discerning about what he just saw and accidentally fell inside the burial pit. Those who noticed his manners giggled, while the elderly helped him out. After all the burial ceremonial activities were concluded, people departed to their respective homes. Shortly all eyes were on Alicia and her friends, what a beauty they influenced. Alicia couldn’t go anywhere without her beauty being noted and well-regarded. She was indeed a center of attraction; she possessed the qualities that gives pleasure to men’s senses, an outstanding example of their kind.
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