5: Crew

1585 Words
I jolt awake in the night, the sky dark outside, and Luna naked beside me after the long night of s*x. She is desperate to have a baby too, but the doctor at the infirmary of the pack house told her to take things slow. I don't know what it was that made me jolt awake, but the tug kept insisting, making my chest throb in pain, and my mind freeze. Like someone has been trying to connect with me through a mind-link, but they were weak. None of my pack members are weak. They could talk to me anytime they want, and Luna is here beside me, perfectly alright. Frowning, I try to lie back down on the bed, but the tug was hard the next time it pulled. Kissing Luna's head, I got dressed into my jeans and shirt then rush down the hall and out into the woods. I am letting whatever this is to drag me close to it. I didn't bother changing into my Lycan form, too curious to scare away whatever this was. Halfway into the woods, I started feeling something inside my belly. It was weird but it was there. Run, I started running closer and closer. I don't know what this is, but it sure as hell isn't normal. When I reached the end of my territory, I scoured through the border where no pack could reside since it belongs to me. Using my sharp vision into the night, my eyes roam around the clearing looking for the reason I woke up in the night after a mind-blowing s*x with my mate. Then I saw her, a female standing like a deer with a small dirty duffel bag in hand. I frown; the tug has stopped by the sight of her. What the hell was that? I have never felt anything close to this to someone I am not connected to. Luna, yes, but this stranger? Knowing it has something to do with fate, I slowly walked towards her, my expression not giving anything away. She is beautiful. I noticed it first. Her beauty is breathtaking too. Young. We didn't say anything to one another, and she watched me warily, ready to run if need be. Then I smelt it, another smell attached to her which made more sense. She is expecting a cub. Is that why I rushed here to save her? Because she has something we have been desperately trying to get with Luna? Or is there something else attached to this? Where is her mate and why is she alone? I walk like I'm about to trap a scared rabbit; she didn't move, only stared at me. Good. I don't want her startled. She definitely needs help. "What's your name?" I ask when I stood in front of her, towering over her. She didn't answer, only crane her neck to look up at me. Her lips parted but no words emerged which confused me. Is she perhaps mute? It could make perfect sense. Then she said. "Selene." "Selene. Are you going somewhere?" I gave a pointed stare at the bag in her hand; then she blushed like I caught her naked. "Yes. I want to join the next pack I come across." Her answer was quiet, almost embarrassed it seems. Was she banished from her pack? Or her mate did something to harm her? I could smell the pain in her, the tears she has been shedding before she slowly lulled to the side and lost consciousness. I acted fast by taking a hold of her in my arms. She was so small, almost malnourished. An omega from the scent clinging onto her. I didn't know what to do for the first time in my life. Should I take her to my pack house? The penthouse so Luna could see her or leave her here? The latter isn't an option obviously. I am not heartless even though people like to believe that I am. As I hold her in my arms, I felt something shift within me. Unease washed through me when I smelt it again, this time with a slight difference. The baby in her womb. There is something about it I need to know. Slowly lowering my nose to her stomach, I sniff her again. My eyes widened at the smell, lean down again to sniff just to confirm what is going on in my head. It is there. The smell of Lycan. The whole country knew there is only one Lycan living, and that is me. If this female here is pregnant with a Lycan, then that baby is mine. Slowly, I recall the night a few weeks ago when I woke up with blood beside me on the bed. Was that her? I close my eyes against the emotions spiraling through my head. Is the baby really mine? The tug I felt earlier slowly started making sense now. I wouldn't leave my bed with my mate beside me only to come help a stranger. It has never happened before. Yet this woman in my arms, a different story. I let out a whoosh of breath trying to piece myself back, but the emotions were not having it. I pride myself on not feeling so much in my life, not after my parents' m******e right in front of me years ago. Right now, I feel too much at the same time. There was shock, confusion, guilt, joy but most of all, guilt. I can't believe I cheated on Luna and didn't tell her. She will have to find out this way. She will be shattered. Taking the female in my arms, I carried her duffel bag and walk back to the penthouse padding the males patrolling the border. If they smelt her baby, they didn't say anything. I will have to deal with it tomorrow morning. I settle her inside one of the guest rooms in the penthouse. She will need a good sleep and nice food when she wakes up but before then, I need to speak with Luna. I made my way to our room; Luna was still sleeping, so I sat beside her and waited, then waited some more. I don't know how to start telling her, but I will. There is no other option now. At first, I don't want her to go through heartbreak at the thought of her loyal mate cheating on her, and also because I can't remember much of the night. Maybe someone slept there with a virgin, and I went inside to lie down. Many scenarios but this, this proved my unfaithfulness. She awoke an hour later, yawned, and wrapped her naked body around me. Her n*****s hardened at the sight of me, then she read the expression on my face and sat up. She brought the sheets to her chest. "What's wrong?" She asked, a frown coming between her brows. I swallow, not knowing how to look into her angelic face and tell her what happened weeks ago and about the female down the hall in the guest room. "I'm so sorry, Luna. I'm sorry." I apologize first, looking down at my hands. I might be ruthless out there, to other alphas, but with my mate, I am a big softie. I have seen how my mother handled my father then, and he was scarier than me. Bigger and more powerful. Luna moves closer and caresses my face, making the guilt much more unbearable. "Tell me, what happened?" Her voice is softer now, coaxing me to talk. "I have cheated on you a few weeks ago when I went to the club. I was drunk. I didn't know what I was doing. Can't remember anything but waking up to the sight of blood beside me on the bed." I try to explain. She didn't say anything, so I took her face in my hands; she was emotionless too. She shuts down whenever she feels too much emotions. I can't believe I am the cause of it right now. "I didn't mean to do it, I swear." I didn't. "She is... pregnant." I add in a quiet voice knowing it will break her more. I don't want that. "I think they banished her from her pack. I found her right at the border standing. She is unconscious in the guest room." It was a minute later when she shook away from my hold, stood up with the sheets around her, and went to the ensuite. I sat there, confused and guilty till she came out a minute later dressed in jeans and a shirt. "I am going to go live with my mom." With that, she turned and left the room, but I follow quickly. I block her way down the stairs. "Luna, you can't do this. It was a mistake, I swear it. I didn't want to come to terms that I could cheat on you because I didn't remember s**t, but seeing her earlier confirmed it. I'm sorry." "Don't try to stop me. I am going to clear my head. I have been trying, you know. But congratulations, you have found another baby for yourself. The court members and pack won't throw shades at me for being infertile anymore." She forced a painful smile, then sidestepped me and left. I raise my head at the sound of footsteps to see the female carrying my cub with her duffel bag ready to sneak away. She wants to run away too? Fine!
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