
1553 Words
Curling myself into a ball, I cried so hard in the woods in the bright daylight, knowing I cannot change into my other form with so many eyes on me. They are talking, pointing fingers at me. This wasn't how I expected the morning to go, but there is nothing I can do when Scarlett found out and confirmed what I have been dreading for days. I didn't want to believe it, but she made it hard. I started noticing the changes in my body a few days ago. I'm not a mirror freak, but lately, I always stand there to notice anything. My body didn't feel good. I have thrown up in the morning for three days straight. I thought I ate something bad. That wasn't the case. My breasts were swollen, not exactly that big but bigger than they were. My stomach is slowly rounding, not a bulge but it is not as flat as it used to. I panicked when I concluded what those things mean. I didn't grow up with my parents, but I have seen mated wolves getting pregnant when I used to live in the pack house. I know what to expect, and there is no way this didn't come from my one-night stand. A man I cannot recall his face. The night I know nothing about except for the soreness I woke up with between my legs and the blood on the bed showing my virginity taken. Scarlett found out this morning and was quick to make an announcement in the omega house. She couldn't believe her eyes when she sniffed me and realized I was the one with a cub inside me. The rejected Alpha mate. "Who is pregnant here?" Scarlett screamed at the top of her lungs when she walked into the omega house earlier. I was washing a few of my clothes, the little I have after finishing some that were sent from the pack house. Not wanting her to see me washing my clothes, I stood up and went to where she was shouting. At that time, I have forgotten about the changes I noticed and just wanted her not to find me doing something wrong. She'd beat me again, and I am not up for that. A grave mistake on my part, of course. As usual, she is wearing her skinny jeans and shirt with sneakers. Easy for them to change into their wolf form and run whenever it is necessary. I love her wolf. A lovely brown color, not her, though. No one said a word, all the thirty omega females now lined up in front of her as if waiting for a decree. After that night, my rejection night, the omegas here started treating me harsher than they used to. No one wants the rejected female in case I have bad luck, which they think I do because I don't have a wolf, my parents are dead, and now my mate has nothing to do with me. Yeah, it totally made sense. I eavesdropped on some of them talking about me behind my back. It is nothing new, but their words stabbed. "...he will never accept her. I don't know why he is allowing her in this pack anyway." One of them said in the kitchen; they were eating. They weren't supposed to be eating at that time. Scarlett would be furious if she finds them, but they would always blame it on me. I won't be able to prove my innocence. I will keep quiet until she is done slapping me or pulling my hair. "I was shocked. Alpha and Omega? Those should be myths but here we are. I'm sure he rejected her because she is ugly." "Or because she doesn't have a wolf. A total turnoff for a Luna, honestly. A Luna with no wolf? Wrongggg!" "You guys don't think it might because she killed her parents? I heard she forced them to go somewhere when she was a child and then they met with an accident. The witch she is, she left the car for them to burn inside." If the rest hadn't hurt me, the last one was a blow. I stumbled away from the kitchen, my vision blurring. It was almost a physical hit. It hurts so much. I don't remember much about my parents. I don't even know whether they really died in an accident or not, but blaming me for their death? I started blaming myself too along the way. Why did I survive? Back to Scarlett, she started sniffing us one after the other, and before she could sniff me, she knew it. Her eyes widened; I have never seen her shocked. When she sniffed me to confirm, she pulled at my hair. No, I really don't know why this woman likes pulling my hair. There is nothing special about it. "You b***h! Pregnant after rejection? Who the f**k did you sleep with in this pack?" She screamed into my face, spit flying. "No one. I don't know." I stuttered, trying to remove my hair from her grip, but she was stronger than I ever dream of. She let out a malicious grin. "Because the alpha didn't want you, you w****s yourself to someone else and got pregnant? What do you want to achieve by doing that, huh?" "Nothing. I swear." I am only forcing out answers knowing if I get slapped if I don't. "The Alpha is going to enjoy throwing you out of the pack." She pushed me down to the floor then strut out of the omega house. I sat down there on the floor as the rest of the omegas spit on me from where they were. Some of them stood shocked, others disgusted. My roommates shoot daggers at me, and it was enough to tell me I won't be welcomed back into the room again. A few minutes later, they threw the remains of my clothes that I haven't washed, only a shirt and pants. "I always knew you were a filthy b***h but this... so low even for you." One of them said. "I'm so glad Alpha Archer rejected you. We don't want a w***e as a Luna," another laughed mockingly, throwing daggers with her eyes. "She never deserved him anyway. He knew it, and that is why he rejected her on the spot. So happy for him." They giggled and left me there. I didn't know what to do for a while. The omega house has been my home for the past four years. I don't have anyone else in this pack. No one wants the rejected mate of the Alpha. They think I have some sort of disease as an omega, but after the rejection, no one could stand my sight. Now I am deep into the woods, maybe not in the Starfall Clan too, but I don't care. I ran for hours to clear my head, but nothing happened. What is worse, I am trying to fix the bits of the night I gave my virginity on a silver platter. I don't remember much, but I was happy to sleep with another man, I know that. When I woke up, I didn't bother looking at the male beside me. Knew he was a werewolf, with so much power emanating from him but nothing else. I ran away in my panicked state, his face the other way. The sky slowly started darkening, making me panic. I hate the dark. Especially not when I am alone. Taking my small clothes in a tattered duffel bag, I continued walking. If I had stayed and waited for Scarlett, she would've come with the news of me getting banished from the pack. Or worse, I'll be sent to the dungeon. I have seen wolves who have done less than what I did sent to the dungeon. I refuse to end up there with a cub inside me. I don't care if I won't ever find the baby, but I will take care of it. I won't let anyone make life hard for the baby like it was for me. Deeper into the woods, I go, using my sharp hearing and vision to walk to no one knows where. I have left the huts by the edge of the territory minutes ago, which means I am no more in Starfall Clan. Good. I want to join another pack that will welcome me. Any pack where I won't have to see Scarlett or Alpha Archer. They have made life hell for me. Alpha Archer without having his hands on me but his awful rejection and Scarlett, she has done everything to make it hard in this pack for four years. She hates me, and I don't know why. There are better packs out there. I wish I had run away since when I turned eighteen and realized that I don't have a wolf but a Lycan. When I was sent to the omega house because I lack it. Life became harder since then. The sound of a branch breaking on the ground made me halt, ready to run. I realize they were footsteps and the sight that graced me was too breathtaking to run away from. We spoke for a bit before I lost consciousness at that moment.
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