86: Selene

1086 Words

"It did work, Luchik," I offered gently to Crew, who sat outside the waiting area. We had opted to give Miranda and Ben some space. "It did. It was pure luck, Sunny," Crew replied, his head resting against the chair's headrest. A heavy sigh escaped me, a sigh laden with a familiar frustration that had lingered in the crevices of my emotions for far too long. Crew's modesty, his inclination to chalk up successes to mere luck instead of recognizing the depth of his own capabilities, tugged at my heart in a way that words often struggled to convey. As he leaned back against the chair, head nestled against the headrest, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. The weight of his self-doubt, his reluctance to see the strength within himself, cast a shadow over the undeniable triu

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