85: Luna

1492 Words

My eyes widened in disbelief as Crew moved towards the bed where Ben lay, an ominous realization dawning on me. Selene, still attempting to console Miranda on the floor, shared my disbelief, her lips slightly parted in shock. The weight of the scene hung heavily in the air, a surreal tableau that defied reason. The memory of Crew's fear and vulnerability resurfaced, haunting my thoughts. Back in reality, he had confided in me about his dread of biting into the neck of someone he cared for. Now, as he approached Ben, that very fear unfolded before my eyes. The echoes of his past struggles added a layer of anguish to the already tense atmosphere. I held Adrian in my arms, tighter, a protective instinct taking over. The fear of witnessing Crew succumb to the very nightmare he dreaded reve

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