Chapter 6

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Hannah's POV 'Do I make you uncomfortable?' From experience this man should know that he makes everyone one uncomfortable. Maybe he should take a long lasting look at himself in the mirror. Does he not terrify himself? I look like cockroach beside him, feeling he could trample upon me if I misspoke. But I have to confess, his chest calls to me, I wish I could rest my head and hear his heart beat. 'Answer me Hannah.' My name from his lips is magic, soft and caressing. I'm starting to brew naughty thoughts about this man I barely knew for two hours. But he smells too good, like the earthy scent of rain and nature itself. 'I just... I just met you sir.' I answer sincerely, my head low and sight fixated on the single slice of onion that swims freely in the soup. I wish I could be that onion right now. 'It's Tyrell.' He corrects me.'I know what Luca has done to you. But if you agree to be my Luna I promise to treat you like you truly deserve. A queen.' I sigh in frustration, not knowing what to assume anymore. What part of 'I just met you' does he not understand? 'I do not have my wolf yet. I can't be a confused Luna.' Tyrell smiles and licks his lips. And I pause in my thoughts to ogle at what I now consider to be God's first creation. This man is beautiful. Maybe a god in werewolf form. Now I see the resemblance between him and Janelle, they both had dimples and are inhumanly beautiful. 'I'm sure you have been mistooken for Jennifer a thousand and one times today. She was actually human.' 'Human? A human mate?' I repeat in amazement, unable to imagine the success of such relationship. 'Yes. And I believe it's fate that you are here today. Luca has played a role in our inseverable destinies.' For once I am grateful this man can not decipher my thoughts or have a hunch on my reasoning like Luca. Perhaps he is pretending, there's only one way to know. I need him to ask me another question why I lie blatantly, then I'll observe his expression to see if he notices anything. 'This place though...' I start and shy away, leaving him to ask the obvious question. 'You don't like this place?' Truth be told, I am not sure if I like this place or not. I just got here. So maybe I made him ask the wrong question. 'I do. It's nice and...' 'You're lying.' He knows? This is bad. 'Your eyes tingle when you lie.' He says, squinting into my eyes in a manner that intimidates me. But I clarify one thing, he is using my physical tells to determine if was lying or not. That is cute, I give it to him. 'Sorry. But I do prefer here to Luca's pack.' I say truthfully, and he breaks into an adorable smile. Too adorable for a big man. 'What would you do to me?' I ask out of the blues, the one question poking my sanity slides out without warning. 'I beg your pardon.' He lifts a brow. 'You say you want me to be your mate. What if I don't want to be? Would you kill me?' I whisper the last part, so the other werewolves in the compound would not eavesdrop, knowing how sharp the werewolf hearing is. 'I am not Luca. I promise to help you get your wolf. If you choose not to be my mate. I won't force you. But you simply won't have my protection.' His protection? From who or what? I might be weak and wofless, but I do know how to protect myself with wolfsbane and argentium. The perks of being a misfit, nobody knows my secret though, not even Luca. But my parents did, when I had accepted a silver bracelet from my best friend on my fourteenth birthday. It had not burned my skin nor caused any reaction. As for the wolfsbane, it was an experiment on myself when I had tried to take my own life after a demeaning fight. My opponent did me dirty, blaming me for my parent's death. She said if I had not been born, my parents would have been part of the pack and not against. Till this very moment, deep down I blame myself for their deaths. But here I am now, the wolfsbane had been salad in my system. 'When do I have to fight?' I ask defiantly, ready to start another trail of worthless battles. 'What fight? Hold on. What did Luca do to you?' His voice is deeper, indignation corrupting the once soothing voice. Why does he sound protective? 'Nothing...' 'Lies. Talk now.' My mouth starts jittering, my heart beating like crazy as I see the true Tyrell materializing before me. His eyes bright amber gold and pupils dark slits. Hold on... Are his muscles expanding? Is he transforming before me!? I fly out of the bench in sheer panic, stumbling to the ground with my ass hitting the floor first, then my palm and elbow grazing the sharp dry grass. 'Uncle!' I hear Janelle snap from a distance, running towards us, until she is in front of me and facing her uncle whose shirt has already ripped into shreds, revealing thick dark furs jutting out of his skin. His pants are almost shredding too, but stops as Janelle touches his arm with a heart warming gentleness. Then I realise, Tyrell has anger issues. I know every wolf does, especially the newly phased werewolves. But he is an Alpha, and Alphas are supposed to guard their emotions. 'She is not Jennifer, Uncle. She belongs to Luca, her past does not concern you.' Tyrell is towering above both of us, his eyes still on me and regret in them. 'Take her to the witch's hut. You're right, I should not be bothered by her past.' Right before me, Tyrell relinquises his interest in me. Walking away like he was not the same person that had asked me to be his mate. Once again I am deserted, a wave of worthlessness washing over me. My heart is torn, maybe I should have agreed to be his Luna when I had the chance. Now I am back to nothing, but a misfit on a quest for correction. Even Janelle's attitude towards me has changed, she is now formal and less welcoming. She glares at me like I had caused her uncle to loose control. 'Come with me.' Janelle commands me, her countenance straight and emotionless. It is terrifying. I follow her with my head hung low, avoiding the other werewolves even though I could feel their eyes boring through my soul. They hate me. I don't know what happened with their Alpha, but they somehow blame me for it. And now I have no idea where Janelle's little steps leads me to. Is she leading me to the guillotine? Am I being punished? What happens in the witch's hut!? Will I be sacrificed? We stride forever and when we are out of sight, I ambush her. Hands on my hips, staring her dead in the eye for an explanation. She stares back unwaveringly, emulating my stance and pursing her lips. 'You are in my path.' She sounds cold, her voice causing shivers down my spine and goose bumps on my skin. This is not the Janelle that fed me, this is a different person. Or does she have a multi personality disorder? 'Please I don't know what I did but I'm sorry. Where are you taking me? Janelle please?' Her countenance remain aloof. My words falling on hard ground. It makes me so scared. 'If you paid attention you would know that we are doing our duty. Helping you with your little trauma. We have a witch powerful enough to diagnose your problem if she likes you. And if she doesn't...' She shrugs, a mischievous smile curling up her face. She looks like a ghost. And I instantly think of running, a stupid and hopeless thought I know, considering how fast she will be and as I now observe that we are in the middle of nowhere. Nothing in sight. Just the dry field stretching forever. 'Janelle. What happened to your uncle?' I ask with shaky hands, trying to buy some time to figure out an escape. 'You angered him. Now get out of my sight or I'll rip you apart till your wolf comes howling out tragically.' These words from Janelle's mouth are foreign and lethal, cringing the life out of me. And also forcing me to comply, as I do not want this stranger to rip me apart. 'Mother of the dark. Heal our sights that we my serve thee.' Sorry what? What exactly am I hearing? Who is Janelle talking to? I survey the empty field, waiting for someone to appear or a magical door to materialize in front of us. May I add again that I am peeing in my pants! Swallowing the dry spittle hiding in my guts and praying to the moon and the sun and the water and the earth and my parents. _Please let nothing pop up. Let this be the joke of the year._ My jaw drops to ground. My body frozen in terror as the earth begins the dance under my feet. It is an earth tremor, except the sky is dancing too, in a spectra of significant colors. I can hardly breathe, something is sucking the oxygen out of the atmosphere and my skin is dissolving.... Wait what! My skin is melting... 'Jan... Jan... Jane... Janelle... What....' Darkness.
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