Chapter 7

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Tyrell's POV. I lost control. The last time I lost control I had killed Jennifer. I swear it was a mistake! Believe me it is! Sorry was! How could I have killed an angel on purpose? Would you kill an angel on purpose? From the minute I saw the girl Luca brought, I died from petrification. I had thought she was Jenny's apparition brought to haunt me. It took more than just an Alpha's bravado to step of out the car, walk towards her to gain a closer look and speak clearly without a stutter. But there was something awry in Hannah, she smelled differently and was no angel. She lacked gentleness and held too much contempt in her eyes. Even though she had the same everything as Jenny, the hateful attitude was outstanding. The resemblance filled me with exasperation and guilt. One minute I wanted to embrace her, the other minute I wanted to rip out her gut for being an ignorant impostor. But today I lost control. Even when she was not Jennifer. 'Tyrell?' I turn to see who disturbed me. Caleb. My brother with a worrisome gaze searching through my soul for flaws. 'I am fine. It was a slip. You can't blame me for being triggered. Look at her.' I start explaining myself sounding justifiable. But knowing my brother, I knew he did not buy any line from my script. 'Not an excuse. The entire pack was there. Loosing control makes you look weak. And do you know what happens to weak Alphas? They are abdicated by their own pack. One rogue in your pack will come after you, prove to the pack that he is stronger and fit to lead. Would you like such a challenge Alpha Tyrell?' I scoff and roll my eyes. 'Let me pour you a drink brother. Scotch or whiskey?' I change the subject, unwilling to hear more werewolf overthrowing werewolves saga. 'Whiskey. Give me the whole bottle.' I laugh and throw the bottle at him. The good thing about my office is the mini bar. I thrive with a vintage bottle of tequila and sometimes scotch depending on the mood. 'Heard you sent her to the witch.' I shrug like I'd not been pacing about my office, worrying about Hannah and the witch. I would never had sent her there if she had just agreed to be my mate. Perhaps this visit to Sheila would encourage her into accepting my proposal. I already told Janelle to allow Sheila have her fun, torture Hannah's mind a little till she feels the need to be protected. I'm waiting for her to run into my arms. 'On whose side are you Tyrell. Luca saved me. You know how big we are on favours.' Guilt sheilds my existence for a minute, and I sigh deeply to calm my nerves. Caleb must not know about the game I had played with Luca, or the menacing content of my phone call to his saviour. He must not know my plan to keep Hannah as mine. 'I'll pay my debt Cal. That's why I sent her to the witch.' 'No. You should have sent her to our doctor first. We need a physical diagnosis of her condition. If it doesn't work, then we move to Sheila. You do realise the consequences of visiting Sheila. The witch could eat Hannah's memories, leaving her with a vain and valueless mind, and of course to your advantage. I know you see her as Jennifer.' I frown at his vivid deduction. It's a hassle having a thoughtful brother, sometimes he gets on my nerve to the extent that I want rip out his jugular. Like now. Repaying favours is not my thing, even as a werewolf. Yes, Luca might have saved my brother from a hunter and Caleb might have said something about owing him one. What does that got to do with me? Caleb should be the one paying his debt how he liked. Not me. But it gets arduous when Caleb is family related by blood, my only brother. I take a sip my whiskey malt and shrug. 'It's faster with Sheila.' And truly it is. Sheila literally worked magic with lots of damage than repair. 'You think Luca is in love with the girl. I saw the way he looked back. He had this longing in his eyes. The Luca I know hides under the façade of the demon curse, only portraying the dark side of him. I think he cares for her.' My brother reasons out loud, causing me to snort in disgust. Rage. My blood boils violently on hearing my brother voice his stupid thoughts. I wolf down the rest of the whiskey in my tumbler in one gulp, savouring the burn down my throat that shares a heat in my chest. It feels awesome and gratifying. 'I don't care.' I lie, pouring myself another shot of whiskey. Maybe I should switch to vodka. 'Then why are you drinking so much. I'm warning you Tyrell. Let the girl be. If you cannot help get her wolf, let me know. I'll call Luca to come get his girl.' His girl. I snort again, gritting my teeth at those words and by the fact that Caleb has himself all scrunched up in this business. My business, minus his involvement in repaying favours. 'I keep to my word brother.' I assure him sweetly, raising my glass to my declaration. A declaration I am not so sure of. 'Hopefully this time.' He says with an unsure tilt of his head. Good, he doubts me. My hands are officially tied in this game. Things will definitely go wrong with Caleb up in my ass. 'How's your mate?' I adeptly change the subject, rewarding myself with a secret smile when my brother's face ripened red. 'She carries my seed.' I gasp in shock at the information, not knowing how to react. But honestly, my jealousy surpasses my joy for him. Jennifer had died with my seed in her. All I can do is nod consistently, straining my face into a grin that comes off creepy. I bet I look like a clown in a scary movie. Caleb's graceful expression turns sour right on front me, and I know why. He must think he is insensitive, poor Caleb. 'Forgive me Tyrell. I had not considered...' 'Don't be a killjoy brother. I am beyond joyful to have a little nephew around, show him one or two Alpha tricks. I can't wait to brag and tell him stories about our adventures.' I sound believable, and for a moment my words actually abate the guilty feeling eating up my insides. I am truly happy for him. 'Gwen won't be happy about your prediction. She wants a girl that'll hopefully become a Luna.' I laugh drily at the mention of a Luna. It is every female werewolve's fantasy. Maybe Hannah rejected me because she hasn't phased. I might be killing two birds with one stone when she heals and understands the power a Luna wields. I don't reckon she has had the opportunity to see a Luna in her regal glory, as Luca has always been mateless like his father. 'Good for you two.' I say through my teeth, disinterested in this conversation. My thoughts are more inclined to the witch. Perhaps I should be on my way to her lair, but it's stressful, the magic made me throw up once. The illusion is dense and terrifying, it makes me annoyed and weak. 'Ok I'm off. Got to see how Gwen's doing before she kills me.' I nod to Caleb and bid him goodbye. He must have noticed how distracted I am with him.
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