Chapter 3

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Hannah's POV I walk behind Luca in my white tank top and tight denim jeans, folding my arms across my chest to hide my discomfort. We are in a vast expanse of nothingness, a lifeless open field with no one in sight. Just him and the Alpha. In my head, I assume he wants to kill me here, bury my body in this open field as I am a liability. I should run! He turns around to meet my eyes and smiles wickedly. "We wait for them," he tells me. "Wait for who?" I ask nervously, my eyes doing a 360-degree survey of the field to prepare myself for who or what is coming. Truth is, I am nervous and scared of what is coming. I hear tires screeching violently to a halt, a gust of dusty wind puffing itself into my eyes and nostrils. I start coughing helplessly, struggling to keep my eyes open and not miss a single event. If I want to make it out alive, I must not miss a moment to understand what is happening. I must be alert. Three black G-wagons obstruct us. They are parked side by side, dust particles still dancing in the atmosphere. One thing is certain: the people in these G-wagons are one hell of a circus. This alone piques my curiosity and increases my fear a notch higher than before. I wonder what they'll do to me in the name of bringing out my wolf. Will they force me into fights again? Or will they become impatient and rip me apart? Or lock me up in a very dark basement with fat rats, mosquitoes, and cockroaches biting and perching on my skin? After what feels like an eon, the doors of the G-wagons begin to open, and I gasp in utter shock, blushing uncontrollably at the sight to behold. Our visitors are shirtless men in black jeans, their dark hair all shoulder length, and their eyes shadowy emeralds. It is hard to choose the most alluring male as they seem to resemble each other in perfection. Tanned skin, gorgeously ripped bodies, six feet and an inch tall. They look almost the same. Except one male, the bigger man, the very intimidating one that makes me take a step back as he approaches us. He is taller, maybe six-foot-seven, and he is shirtless like the others. If this is a pack like Luca says, this huge dude should be the Alpha. Even Luca looks small and harmless standing before the dude. Luca's hand protrudes forward for a handshake. "Alpha Tyrell. I'm glad you have made out the time to..." He stops, taking a quick peek at his un-shook hand, then back at the man that frowned deeply with his hands folded across his chest, staring down at Luca with no iota of hospitality. The man is angry, I can tell. It's just too obvious. "This is encroachment." I swallow, my eyes bulging wildly at the depth of his voice. How can a person possess such a powerful voice, deep and terrifying? I look at Luca, but he is unbothered. Unflinching. Inasmuch as I hated him, he is my only ally here, so maybe I can be hopeful. "You owe me one Tyrell. I saved your brother." Ah. That was why... I realize in pride. The werewolves had a thing for returning favors, especially when it had to do with saving families. Now I understand why Luca is unnerved by the big man's arrogance. "What the hell do you want!?" Tyrell snaps in frustration, knowing too that he has to repay Luca for saving his brother. It is interesting to watch; I wish I brought popcorn and sprite. "She." Luca points to me, and my heart drops. No, my heart tips, because when Tyrell's gaze lands upon me, my heart truly drops and forgets its function. "What is she? A human? I don't smell her wolf," Tyrell says with a disapproving snort that makes me want to cry. "She is a werewolf without her wolf. She is having problems with phasing," Luca explains. "Problems, huh?" Tyrell studies me again with his dark and scrutinizing gaze. Can the ground just open up and swallow me? A subject of discussion for these men is what I do not want to be right now. "What is her name? And how old is she?" Wait. This is getting insulting. I am here! Could they at least bring me into the conversation!? "Hannah. She is Twentytwo." "Twenty-two!? Is she cursed!?" Tyrell explodes in my face. He is startled and confused by my problem. It makes me wonder if I had hope, perhaps I belonged to the humans. "I found her in this state when she was sixteen. For six years we've tried everything we can. Her wolf just won't be provoked." "You did not find me." Too late, the words were out of my mouth, and I got the attention of not just the gossiping Alphas but of everyone in the dusty field, including the dry grasses. "Oh, she talks," Tyrell comments, his eyes lightened up by my audacity. Luca, on the other hand, lifts a brow and purses his lips, waiting for me to finish embarrassing myself. So I continue, unable to stop myself now. "I was fine when you met me. My parents were great. We were living a normal life. But you came that night and killed them. I was in the perfect state before you ruined my life... You f*****g killed my parents and kidnapped me!" Before I know it, I'm screaming at the top of my voice, tears flowing from my eyes unabashedly. "You killed her parents? Really Luca? I thought you were different from your father and the likes of us. You know the big bad wolves," Tyrell jeers, having the time of his life, while Luca ignores me completely like I had not just accused him before twenty people. "Will you take her? Or do I find another pack?" "Of course, I'll take her. She'll keep us company, considering how low we've run on females. You can go. Come back in a year or so; she'll get her wolf by then." What am I hearing? A year? With these shirtless werewolves that claim to have run low on females? What does that even mean? Hold up! What would they do to me? Would they force me into sleeping with them? "Control your heartbeat, Hannah. They won't eat you alive." Alive!? Would they eat me dead? "See you in a year... What? You miss me already?" I hate you, Luca. I convey the message with my clouded gaze. I do not miss him already or whatever he thinks I'm feeling right now. And yes, he has a keen sense of hearing; that's how he hears my heartbeat. But what I'm feeling right now is the terror of being clueless. Of not knowing what would happen to me! "Do you really miss him already?" Tyrell asks me, his hands on his waist and an eminent smug on his handsome face. Luca stares at me with an emotion I do not understand, something is not right in his eyes and it gets me worried. Is he worried about me? No, it has to be something else... Luca enjoys hurting me, this emotion in his eyes is definitely something else. "Bye Hannah. Take care of yourself. See you in a year." _No no no please don't leave me with these people!_ I scream with my eyes burgeoned at him, but he disregards me and turns around abruptly. I can feel my heart sinking into an ocean in my chest as I see his back disappear before my very gaze. One thing is certain. I will regret this.
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