Chapter 4

1062 Words
Luca's POV: An Alpha should never reveal his weakness. Yet, torn by my decision, my mind is in chaos with each step away from her. Despite my attempts to avoid dwelling on assumptions about Tyrell's pack, my head spins with images of the brutal methods they might employ on her. Have I sentenced the one person I've protected for years to death? A heavy boulder seems attached to my legs, each step growing heavier as my heart struggles against the gnawing pain in my chest. While I may have hurt her in the name of help over the years, this is different. Tyrell's pack, lethal and responsible for the deaths of both rogue werewolves and human hunters, adds an ominous weight to my decision. I stop walking, turning around for a longing look at Hannah, but she's nowhere in sight. No one is in sight, not even the G-wagons. Panic sets in. How did they leave so silently? My phone buzzes annoyingly, but I ignore it, scanning the field for signs of life. Buzzing again. 'What!?' I snap at the unknown caller. 'I'd lower my tone if I were you... It's Tyrell.' Tyrell! 'Tyrell. Where are you?' 'Where am I? Oh, I didn't tell you about the illusion... We work with witches, you know, to keep other werewolves in place. Not you, though. We are great acquaintances. Anyways, I called to thank you again for bringing her back.' Bringing her back? What does he mean? I frown. 'Bringing who back?' I voice my concern, hoping I haven't just made the biggest mistake of a lifetime. 'My mate.' 'Your what...?' My phone beeps into my ear. I stare at the phone stupidly, my face contorted into a perplexing grimace. It doesn't make sense. I start walking back to where I left Hannah. Before I know it, I'm running towards nothing with my wolf and demon speed combined. I hit something hard, fast, and am sent flying across the field. I lay on dry, thorny grass seeing stars, a lingering pain in my right shoulder, and warm liquid in my ear. Probably blood. This must be the result of Tyrell's magic. 'Bastards.' I mutter, wincing as I push myself into a sitting position. It takes moments to remember I had a car. A car that's now invisible. I shake my head in disbelief, pulling my phone from my jean trousers. 'How do I get the f**k outta here?' A proud chuckle replies, followed by a tentative sigh. 'I thought you'd run your way in... Demon Alpha.' I wince at the remark. 'Don't you call me that... Don't play with me Tyrell. Hannah is under my care. I must make certain that she is safe even away from me.' 'She is safer with me than you. Don't you dare come back for her before the year is over, unless you want to throw our packs into a brawl. We'll pave a way for you out of the field for now.' I'm sure he could hear my teeth grinding. 'I will leave her in your care for a year. Don't you dare go back on your word after a year. You think you're big and tough, well that's just physical. My curse goes deeper than the rumors, I can hurt you Tyrell. You don't want to see the dark side of me.' 'Turn left and get out. I hope you don't regret threatening me. But just so you know, Hannah would decide after a year, if she wants to be my mate. You know your chances are pretty low right? She would choose the wolf that protects her, the one that makes her a Luna and not a worthless misfit.' Each word slashes into my heart. Tyrell might not know it, but I've always protected Hannah. From my father, from the pack, and from myself. The fights were brutal, yes, but that way I got to keep an eye on her. I am a fool, a big one by bringing her here. How am I supposed to live without her for three hundred and sixty five days? I miss her already. There is a swooshing sound to my left, pulling my attention to what resemble a blur in the atmosphere. I squint into it, tilting my head to one side to understand the phenomenon, only to be hypnotized by its shimmering depths. I find myself walking towards it, like I'm being drawn by an irresistible force. Closer and closer I keep walking, until I reached its entrance and walk through it. It is cold and uncanny, it feels like death and so uncomfortable even for me and my curse. I hear cars honking, people chattering, and bells pinging. Despite Tyrell's gesture, I wonder how to summon the portal and rescue Hannah. I hail a taxi, telling him to take me to my favorite witch's house—the one I had kidnapped hours ago. The ride takes forever. I could run, but I've chosen to be as mundane as possible. Let humans continue to think we exist only in books and movies. The taxi halts in front of a bookstore. Maggie resides here, a librarian and pianist on most days but always a witch. I am sure she's aware of my presence. I open the door and walk in like I own the place. 'Luca.' She appears with an ugly scowl on her face. 'Here to take me again?' 'Can you be a bit nicer? I'm here to discuss.' I assure her with my hands surrendered above my head. She sees me as a monster, and I do not blame her. 'Nice is for people that deserves it. You promised you would not be needing my services this week. Why are you here Luca?' The firmness in her voice bothers me, wondering why my cute little witch is putting out an obvious defense. 'You seem bolder. What's changed?' 'I do not know what you're talking about.' She lies, and I know because I hear the twitch in her heartbeat. Something has changed. 'I need to breach Tyrell's illusion magic.' As soon as she hears 'Tyrell,' her mood softens. The witches association must have heard of my embarrassing predicament. They must think my demon is now weak. 'Do not waste your time. The spell caster is unmatched. She surpasses all dark powers, including demons.' Shit... I'm in trouble.
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