Chapter Twenty- New Pack

1306 Words
I had eventually cried myself to sleep. And once I got cold I folded my wings around myself, engulfing me in warmth. I only woke when I heard growls surrounding me and wet noses grazed my wings, smelling me. I stayed in my wing cocoon until I felt the wolves back away, though they continued growling.  Slowly I retreated my wings away from myself and folded them back as they disappeared from sight. "I mean you no harm, but if you attack I will be forced to defend myself." I stated with dominance. My wolf Nicole made an appearance making my eyes turn gold. My angel side stayed tucked away, not adding the glow.  The growling stopped and all the wolves bowed their head in submission. "Please shift so we can have a proper conversation." I requested, softening my voice only slightly. All the wolves complied, shifting to their human form until five men and a women stood before me stark naked. I closed my eyes, turning my head. My face red as a beet. I heard laughing behind me "Forgive us princess, we are dressed now." A deep voice said.  I turned slowly. Once seeing everyone was decent I faced them head on. "What territory am I in?" They all shared a look. No doubt communicating through their pack bond.  "I am Grayson, Beta of the Blue Moon Pack." My eyes bulged. The Blue Moon Pack? That was my mothers pack. I have never met my mother. My father had taken me away to keep me safe when I was just a year old. Excitement bubbled inside me. "Is Amara still Alpha?" I asked. Barely able to contain myself. The man chuckled but nodded. "Take me to her." I demanded. One of the women then stepped forward, fury blazed in her eyes.  "Why would we take a filthy Angel to our Alpha?" She seethed. My eyes narrowed as my own anger rose. I needed an outlet, and she has just given me one. Wasting no time I shifted into my massive wolf and growled at her, before pouncing on her pinning her down with my paws. She struggled, oh how she struggled. She didn't budge though. And her lack of respect and unwillingness to submit angered Nicole.  Nicole took partial control and I laughed in my head. Poor girl had no idea what she was in for. Nicole growled menacingly. Saliva ran down her fangs as she snarled at the woman. She whimpered under me turning her head to the side exposing her neck in submission. Nicole huffed in her face disappointed she didn't get a fight. Nicole gave me full control again and I stepped off the woman. I shifted back to my human form and stared right into her eyes.  "Queen Amara is my mother you dimwitted bitch." I snarled. Her eyes went wide at my words, while the others behind her laughed.  "Looks like you made an enemy of the princess Sarah." Grayson chuckled, hauling Sarah to her feet.  "You knew?" She raged at Grayson. His eyes shined with amusement.  "Of course I did." He laughed "Look at her woman, She looks exactly like Amara."  "Follow us princess. We'll take you to your mother. She has been waiting for the day that you'd return."  I looked at Grayson as we made our way. He was tall, his skin was lighter than the werewolves I knew. But he was built like a damn truck. Muscles bulges all over him. He was like a werewolf on steroids. You know how Arnold Schwarzenegger looked back in the day? Ya, he has nothing on this man. I'm sure if he ran across a bear's path, the bear would run from him. "Like what you see?" Grayson asked with an arched brow.  I laughed. "Ya, I'm pretty sure you could crush me. But no. I have three mates already, not looking to add a fourth." Grayson's eyes widened and I'm pretty sure his eyebrows disappeared into his hairline. "It's a long story." I said solemnly.  We walked the rest of the way in silence. My thoughts once again on Gabriel. How could he do this? Why? Tears once again threatened to fall but I quickly pushed them away. No, I wouldn't cry, not before I met my mother.  Once we reached the pack house I zeroed in on the beautiful woman standing on the porch. She looked like me. Pale skin, long white blonde hair, athletically built. All except her eyes, which were a beautiful silver. Tears filled the woman's eyes as she ran to me hugging me tightly. On instinct I returned the hug, and before I knew it I was sobbing. I was here, I was with my mother. She pulled back and tucked my hair behind my ears. "Not that I'm not thrilled you're here, but why are you here?" She asked, drying her eyes.  "Everything is so messed up." I whispered "Can we talk in private?" My mother nodded and led me into her home and into what had to be her office. Once we sat down I told her everything. From dad raising me in Hell for ten years, to my foster parents being slaughtered all the way to having an Archdemon for a mate and how my werewolf mate had shattered me. She looked at me with pity and fury on her delicate features until I told her about Gabriel.  "He did what?" She roared. Shooting out of her chair with so much force it flew into the wall behind her.  "I know I need to go back. I can't run from my other mates, but Gabriel just hurt me so badly I couldn't face anyone, not even dad. I didn't even know I came here until your wolves approached me. When I left I just flew, I guess I came here on instinct." Mom walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. She was about to say something when the phone rang. Irritation flashed in her eyes as she turned to answer it.  "This is Amara." She stated in a hard voice.  I watched as her body lost all it's tension and she looked over to me "I'm sorry" she mouthed to me "Yes she is here." My eyes widened. "No, you are not welcome here Lucifer. You allowed our daughter to be hurt. She can stay here as long as she wants." My mother stated. "Ariel will not be happy that you did that. No matter how much he hurt her he is still her mate." My curiosity was officially peaked. "Oh, No. I'm not telling her anything Lucifer. You did it, you tell her." Amusement was in her tone as she held the phone out to me.  "Hello? Dad?" I said hesitantly. What did he do that was so bad?  "Ariel. Uh, I have something to tell you." He sounded scared and cautious.  "What did you do?" I demanded.  "I may have beat Gabriel to the brink of death." He said softly. My anger officially took to new heights. I dropped the phone as my vision went black. I felt my body moving and heard my name being called but I didn't respond, I couldn't. I could feel the air change as my body ran outside. The weather matched my mood. Fierce, angry, unrelenting. The snow, sleet and rain pelted down on the pack. Wind raged, knocking down trees as thunder and lightning crashed together in the sky.  My body lurched into the air and I was flying, the storm following behind me. I knew where I was going, what I was doing now. I was murderously mad. My angel side had taken over and she wanted blood. Not just anyone's blood, my dads. If I couldn't get control over her she would kill him.
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