Chapter Nine

591 Words
Chapter nine  We arrived at the beach, and he was right, the cold air had stopped and was replaced by a heat-wave. I took Adam's jacket off and left it on the seat in the car, helping Rory out, while Eddie helped Sammy, and we grabbed all the stuff and made our way down to the beach. Obviously, them being children and happy, Sammy and Rory ran off, leaving us. 'Why are they so full of energy?' I laughed. 'Their kids, that's how they are. Anyway, apart from this, what are your plans for today?' I have no idea why I asked that, but at least we were talking. I hate silence. 'Nothing. Probably leave here about 4, if that's cool with you?' I nodded. 'Then...The guys are coming over, I guess'. I ohhh'ed. 'Why?'. 'Wondering that's all.' 'What about you?'. 'Umm...well, i was thinking of maybe going to see Adam, but, I'm not so sure its a good idea'. He opened his mouth to say something, but, before he could talk anymore on the subject, I quickly changed it. 'Anyway, I went shopping with my friend the other day'. He looked at me, eye brow raised. 'And she brought a magazine.. with a certain CEO blasted all across the cover'. His confused expression quickly switched to a cocky and....almost sexy grin. 'Oh yeah? Was it any good?' 'It was Ok, Haven't had a read of it yet though....' His smile had slightly faded. 'God, Eddie, I'm joking'. He smiled widely again. 'Hey, where the kids?' I suddenly wondered. Looking around, I couldn't see them anywhere. Eddie casually looked around as well, not very bothered, until he also noticed they were nowhere in sight. 'RORY?!? SAMMY?!?' He yelled, but they didn't answer, a few people looked at us. 'GIRLS!?!' We both started looking, but we couldn't see them, about to give up and go get help, they suddenly came running towards us. Eddie ran straight over to them, wrapping them both in hugs. It was so sweet. 'Where were you to. We've been so worried about you'. They smiled and Rory and Sammy both leaned forward to tell him something, but, I wasn't paying attention to them right now, my gaze was set on the man, who was standing on the pier looking at us. More importantly, Me and then Eddie with Rory. That's not possible, that can't be him.  Adam? 'Um...Meg, I need to talk to you.' He broke me out of it, I quickly looked at him, then back to where I thought I saw Adam on the pier bridge, he was gone. I was sure he was there a second ago. I would know him anywhere. But yet, he was nowhere to be seen. Maybe it was just someone who looked and dressed the same. Who knew who I was and who Rory was. Yes, It must be someone else, no possible way can it be Adam, he's not even in town right now, He'd have told me... 'Yeah, sorry what?' 'I know where the girls went'. 'O...k, where?' 'They said, they were with Rory's daddy. They were with Adam. I thought you said he wasn't around'. I froze slightly. 'He's not supposed to be'. If that really was him, then, he saw me with Eddie, and even though I know nothing's going on, I would have looked like it. He saw Eddie with Rory, And he knows I lied to him. But, one question I'm still wondering is.....HOW THE f**k DID HE GET AWAY AND COME HERE?!?!?
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