Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty A few weeks later  I dropped Rory off at school and headed off to Danni and Johnny's house. I feel like I haven't seen either of them for ages. Now that all the guys are home, I guess they have just been too busy with their wives or girlfriend for us all to hang out.  I text Danni the other day and asked when she was free so we could meet up and discuss Rory's birthday that is really not that long away.  It would be nice to plan our daughters special day with Adam, but things have been really weird and strained between us recently, and I wasn't exactly sure why. It just feels like since he came home, nothing has been going right.  'So, What's it like having the husband back?' I casually asked Danni, She grinned in a way that made me not want to ask many more questions, at the end of the day, He was my older brother and there was still a limit.  'Its good, It is nice actually having him home and Anna loves it'. I couldn't help but smile for her. At least some one was happy.  'Aww, that's good then'.  'Oh my god, Did you hear about Donny and Greg?' She suddenly asked excitedly, Donny and Grey were a really lovely couple that owned a bar that me and the girls used to go to all the time. We haven't been in a while, but we were still close friends with the guys.  'No, What?!' I'm guessing what ever it was, it wasn't bad news since she was grinning like a Cheshire cat!  'Donny proposed!'. I gasped and covered my mouth.  'NO!'. She nodded.  'Yep, Can you believe it'. I shook my head. To be honest, I couldn't believe it. Yes, they were an amazingly perfect couple but they had a weird... history. They were step brothers, no blood relation what so ever. When they came out to their parents, they were completely shunned, so they moved to Hollywood for a fresh start and well.. the rest was literally history.  I mean, I've never judged them, because I don't exactly have a leg to stand on, but f*****g hell!  'I'll have to remember to give them a ring and congratulate them'. She nodded. 'Actually, how about we go see them. Girls night out to Hollywood?' She looked up at me. 'Come on, The guys have been away for soo long, they can look after the girls, they would probably have a guys night any way'.  'I can't'  'Well... I didn't mean tomorrow, we can look in our diaries and pick a date best for every one?' She bit her lip, there was some thing wrong.  'What? What's wrong?'  'What makes you think some thing is wrong?'  'Your facial expression/ Seriously, what's up?'  'Nothing, Nothing is up'.  'O...k...' 'Picking a date for the future sounds good'. i smiled at her and nodded.  'Good! I'll talk to the girls'.  'Ok, But no rush, I mean, I have about 8 months left before I'm able to drink any way so..'  'Ok, No problem'.I carried on writing down ideas for the theme of Rory's birthday when I stopped for a second and looked back up at Danni.. 'Wait.. what?' Her smile was so wide. 'Are- are you pregnant?' 'Yeah!'. I screamed and jumped up to hug her. I couldn't believe it!  'I didn't even know you guys were trying!'  'We weren't, it just happened!'.  'Awww, well I'm so glad for you guys!'.  'Thank you so much'. Wow, I was going to be an auntie again, How epic is that!? 'Come on, let us get planning this birthday party!'. Nodding in agreement, we started discussing venues and activities.  But in the back of my mind I still couldn't believe it, Danni was pregnant.. and then the jealous started to kick in. Danni was pregnant and happy... and my marriage was falling apart... 
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