Chapter Six

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Chapter Six  The after noon had passed by pretty quickily and soon enough, Danni was leaving to collect Anna-Lin from school and the other girls were all getting ready to head out too. Making sure for the 100th time that I didn't want to go with them.  Even if I wanted to, which I didn't, I couldn't.  Any way, I had sort of made plans with Eddie now as well, but of course, I wasn't going to tell any of them that. With how Danni was already winding me up about all that.  No thanks.  It does sound a little weird, blowing off seeing my husband for the first time in...well, A very long time, just to have coffee with another guy. But it's not like any thing going on, It's about our children being friends.  That's it!  'Megz!, Come back to us!!' Linds yelled, snapping her fingers in front of my face and shaking my shoulder. I zoned back into reality and looked at them, only then noticing they were all staring at me. 'You sure? Really sure? We can wait for you to pick Rory up and then go. I'm sure she probably wants to see Adam as well?' I'll be honest, that pissed me off. Yeah, she probably would, but I was her mother and I was the one rising her and I. SAID. NO!  'No. Thank you'. I told them, trying to sound as calm as possible.  'Ok, Well, were going to head out now, so, See you tomorrow?' I nodded. They all said good byes and headed off.   I found myself clock watching for the rest of the after noon and even into the evening. No matter what I did, i found myself staring back up to see how close to 7.30 it was. I decided to put some crap tv on in the hopes of distracting myself... luckily it worked.  When it hit 6.45, I decided to just head over to Eddies and stop off at the super market on the way to grab... I don't know, Some thing, just to say thank you for having Rory... and to kill some extra time.  But I was going crazy in the house, I just needed to get out!  I double checked the Address Eddie gave me, just to make sure I was going in the right direction and headed off.  Pulling up to his gates. His house was big. It made mine look tiny... and mine was far from a normal sized house as it was. His home honestly looked like a castle.  Great, Rory's gonna wanna live here now.  Why are children so simple minded some times. I chucked to myself and pressed the button on the intercom.  The was a buzzing and suddenly the gates opened. Driving in side, I parked up and made my way to the front door. Before I got there, it opened and there he stood. I couldn't help but smile.  'Hi' He smiled back. 'Has she been good?' 'They have both been angels'. I sighed, happy and thankful. 'Wanna come in?' He stepped aside and I walked. The inside of the house was just as beautiful as the out side.  'They are up in Sammy's play room, have been for a few hours'. 'Awww.. sweet. Thanks for letting her come over today, gets her out of the house'. He just nodded as I followed him into the front room and then through into a massive kitchen.  'Just sit any where'. He told me. I lifted myself up on to one of the high bar stools, While he flipped the kettle on and hopped onto the counter top. 'You had a good day?'  'Yeah, It was good, I spent most of it with the other girls, so, it was pretty fun'. I hadn't realised, I hadn't stopped smiling since I entered his house, and as soon as I did, I also realised, neither had he. 'Other girls?' 'Oh, yeah, just my friends, their all married to my husband's friends. Right little gang we are'. I joked. He ohhh'ed. 'Though most of it was spent on getting them off the subject of our guys. They have all decided to go and see them tonight'. I told him.  'Ohh, are you not going?' He got off the side again and started about making us both a drink before passing me mine. Due to bad run in's with hot drinks and height, I decided against drinking it on the bar and hopped off, Walking around to lean against the counter where he was now sitting again. 'Um..No, I decided not to go this time.' 'Rory talks a lot about Adam, doesn't she?' I nodded. 'And...That's hard for you?' 'Kinda, It's hard when she asks why he isn't home or around as much as other dad's. It's... just hard in general'. He nodded. 'I totally understand, Sammy was the same with her mom, but she's long gone now, so, She's just stopped asking'. 'Awww...poor girl. Its gotta be hard growing up with out a mom, it's hard being an adult without one.' 'Weird question, but, Do you have one?' 'A mom?' He nodded. 'Obviously' He laughed. 'You know what I mean'. He pushed my arm slightly with his shoulder. 'No, I don't, My adopted parent's died awhile ago, And I don't like my real ones.' 'Johnny's parents?' He sounded and looked a little confused, which is understandable, it is a little confusing I guess.  'Yeah, Johnny's parents are my real parents. My other parents were... um..they had a head on collision with a bus and died, so..' I trailed off. 'I'm sorry to hear that'. I looked at him and smiled weakly. 'It was a long time ago'. He remained quiet. I didn't want to talk about it any more and changed the subject.  'So...Doing any thing tomorrow?' I shrugged. 'Don't think so. It's Saturday so, nope. Why?' He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. 'Well, the girls asked to go to the beach and I said I'll take them tomorrow. I know I shouldn't have with out asking you first but-' 'No, it's fine'. He smiled. 'Want to go too?' I pointed to myself. 'Well, who else?' 'Yeah, sure'. 'Great, its a date...I mean-' 'Its a date'. We made deep eye contact for a moment before I quickly broke it. 'Umm...It's getting late. I think I should take Rory home now'. I put down the mug that still had the untouched drink in it. I followed him all the way up the big stair case and down a corridor until we reached Sammy's room and headed in side. It had quite possibly every toy known to man and sat in the middle of all the chaos, was the girls. 'MOMMY!!' Rory yelled as she got up and ran to me, I bent down and picked her up, placing a kiss on her forehead and hugged her back when she hugged me. 'Uncle Eddie is so much fun, we had ice cream and listened to music and played dress up and had a tea party AND he's taking me and Sammy to the beach tomorrow'. I smiled at her. She was so happy. I was nice to see that for a change. 'Well then, I hope you thanked him.' She turned to him and smiled the cute dimpled smile that she got from Adam.  'Thank you again Uncle Eddie' She grinned. I smiled at her.  'Right Missy, let's get you home, yeah?' She pouted. 'Come on...Your daddy is going to phone you up to say good night'. She looked at me with promising eyes.  'Ok, Bye bye Sammy!' The two girls shared a cute wave and I turned to him. 'I'll see you tomorrow'. He nodded and we headed back down and went home, with out looking back.
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