Chapter Seven

410 Words
Chapter Seven The phone was already ringing as we walked in through the front door. Rory ran over to it and grabbed it. Answering it before I could.   'Hello?' She said in a happy voice. 'Daddy?' Adam's P.O.V(Only the phone call). 'Hello? Daddy?' I smiled just hearing her sweet little voice. 'Yeah Baby, it's me. How are you?' 'I miss you, daddy'. Her voice suddenly got low again, like she was sad. 'I know you do. Mommy's been looking after you well though, and you are a big girl now, but daddy can't wait to see you. I miss you, angel'. 'When are you coming home?' I hoped she wouldn't ask that question. 'Soon, I'll be home soon'. 'Mommy keeps saying that to. But you're never home'. 'I know, that because Daddy is some where where..he had to be, but you have no idea how much I wish I was at home with you and mommy'. 'I love you, daddy'. My heart melted. 'I love you too'. MEGAN'S P.O.V 'I love you, daddy'. Rory spoke down the phone. 'OK'. She passed me the phone and smiled. 'Daddy wants to talk to you'. I put the phone to my ear and waited. 'Adam?'  'Why didn't you come here with the others. I want to see you. Can you come and see me tomorrow?' 'I can't' 'I know you don't want to, but please meg, I need you'. I felt bad. I could hear it in his voice that he really did want to see me. 'Ad, I can't...I'm..I'm not very well, I don't think Im going to be doing much of any thing tomorrow. Maybe another time'. He sighed. 'Ok, but make sure you do, okay?' 'OK. I love you.' 'Love you more' I smiled and hung up the phone. Looking down at Rory, I could tell she was sleepy. 'Come on baby, big day tomorrow. Beach with Eddie and Sammy'. She smiled weakly and slid off the sofa. I picked her up and took her up stairs. Why did I lie to Adam? I'm, going to feel really guilty now, but I can't help it. I promised my daughter I'll go out with her, I can't break that... ...Plus... For some strange reason, the fact Eddie had called it a 'date' made me want to go even more. Don't get me wrong, He's hot!, but I'm a married woman and the sooner I got that through my head, the better...
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