Chapter 16

1113 Words

"Are you even listening?" Asked Ruby from across the table. "Huh?" I shook my head, "Sorry. I wasn't listening at all," I dropped my face into my hands, "I'm really distracted with this whole Leo thing." "I told you how to handle him, didn't I?" "Yes, but he's agreed to go to a therapist. And he's toned down his requests. I kind of feel bad for him, Ruby." She raised a brow, "God. No! Do not go all shrink on this! You have to stay hard on this. Stay cold or he will play you right into his hands." I rolled my eyes at her, "Ruby, he is clearly going through something. He wouldn't go to these lengths just for the fun of it. He needs real help with this so he can get better. What type of person would I be if I don't at least try and get him helped?" "You would be the type of person looki

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