Chapter 17

555 Words

"I'm sorry about yesterday." Jax mumbled as he took a seat opposite me. "Yeah, your outburst was a bit strange. I understand that you're angry, Jax. But you also need to understand that I'm extremely passionate about helping people." "I do undertanad it, Indigo. I was acting like a jealous boyfriend, and I shouldn't have. I have no right to act that way, or to speak to you the way I did. I hope you can forgive me?" I nodded, "Yeah, I won't hold it against you. I understand how it must have hurt you, and I'm sorry for my part in it." He got up, coming to crouch in front of me, '"Indi, no, you have nothing to apologise for. I overreacted." I took his hands in mine, "Jax, this doesn't feel very healthy." He sighed as he looked up at me, "I know. But we'll figure it put as we go along, r

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