Chapter 12

1279 Words
"Forget the butterflies, I feel  the whole zoo when I am with you." -Unknown   Grace Roberts' PoV: My eyes fluttered open, and all senses of my kicked in at once. Firstly, the disastrous headache. Secondly, the feel of the dress from last night and then my mind kicked in. Sitting up immediately, my eyes widen as to how did I end up and where was I? I scanned my surroundings then relaxed. It was my room, and I was home. How did I get here though? f**k, I can't remember anything. I raced my mind through the events of last night, but there were glimpses only and nothing more. Groaning I held my head and rubbed it, trying to ease the pain. I wasn't the kind of person who'd drink a lot, and regret was filling me now. After lying in bed for 15 minutes, I managed to gather the courage and stepped out. From outside my room, I could hear some movements. It must be Penny. The clock on the wall said 11, and I felt grateful that it was the weekend which meant a day off. Stepping out into the lounge, my gaze fell on Penny. She was busy making breakfast. My gaze then traveled across the place only to lend on a knocked-out Remi on the couch. "Oh F*ck no," I swore. Knowing her, hell would break loose when she'd wake up with a hangover. As if on cue, she began to toss and turn. How did I end up this bad? Who even brought us home? My mind was blank with no memory of the night before. "Good Morning Miss Grace. You are awake just in time! Why don't you freshen up? The breakfast is almost ready." Penny's usual over-enthusiastic voice made me slightly wince. Having a headache, and an excited maid isn't the best combination exactly. Before I could utter a reply, Remi's eyes snapped open, and groaning she rolled on the couch. "Penny, grab us both some pills for headache, please." I tried to sound as soft as another searing pain shot my head. Another couple of minutes later, I sat patiently for Remi to come to her senses. Penny handed me a glass of water and a pill. Just at that moment, Remi decided to snap out of her sleep and with a jerk sat straight. My eyes widen, and I eyed her weirdly. "Don't tell me, I brought Sean back to your house for the night." Her eyes weren't even opened yet she remembered him. Her words made a few glimpses from last night, to start making sense. We met someone, probably this guy Sean? And... Oh. Oh. No. Way. Dominic Valdez was there too. I froze with a glass and a pill in my hand, looking straight ahead and wondering what else happened? "I gotta puke." A wave of nausea hit me and I rushed to the toilet. After a session of vomiting and an intensified headache, I limped to the lounge. "It was a bad idea, I regret it," I said to my best friend who was about to freak out. "Why isn't this stupid pill working?!" She wriggled gritting the words out. Oh no, she was turning into her bad version. "It had barely been 5 minutes since you took it." I shrugged taking mine and sipping water. "Wait, you have it too?" Her face displayed shock. I raised a brow, "I mean yes, but seriously stop being dumb." "No, I thought you were hooking up with that guy and you were kissing him, excuse me if I thought you were sober."  My mouth fell open upon hearing her. No, she was kidding, right? Or what if she wasn't? "When. I mean how? Why is my life getting so f****d up?" I cried out but also a weird feeling in my stomach arose making my lips tingle. Once more, I attempted to force a few memories to come back but it failed or backfired when another pain shot through. Beside us, Penny cleared her throat and I felt embarrassed all of a sudden. "I saw Rowan bringing you home. He told me you two had a lot to drink, so I only managed to help you to bed while Miss Remi fell asleep here." I groaned hearing Penny tell something that seemed like a distant memory finally popping into my head. "Thanks, Penny. Remi and I'll be in my room, get the table ready in half an hour." I forced a smile on my face, then eyed Remi to follow me inside. The moment we stepped inside the room, I slammed the door shut and lashed out on Remi. "It was your idea! You know I am a bad drinker and you ditched me with him!" My voice came out loud. Remi turned around giving me a weird look, "so what if you nearly hooked up with him? He was a nobody." That's where she was wrong. I took a deep breath, "Rem, that's Dominic Valdez we're talking about." A series of expressions crossed her face but the wide-eyed one remained constant and my facepalmed. A long pause later she opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. "That stranger is Sean's best friend? And you two made out?" She squealed, somewhat happy but they stopped as if realizing something. "You're kidding me, right? We didn't make out. Did we?" My uncertainty made it evident that I had no idea if it happened or not. "I don't know, but you two were clinging last night. You, precisely." Remi muffled a laugh. "I knew it, you were into him." Her muffled laugh turned into a full-blown one. As of on its own, my mind began to pour some memories. A long pause, and ever so slowly I turned into a tomato. "s**t. We almost kissed, I remember now." I prevented myself from freaking out. Remi rolled on the bed laughing as I burrowed my face in my hands. This is horrible, I thought ignoring the butterflies somersaulting in my tummy. "Stop it." I threw a pillow at her. "What? You were about to make out with your client."  She said in between her laughs. A few glimpses crossed my vision, especially the one where he had almost caught my lips when Remi spoiled it. "As if you weren't the one to spoil it," I said and her mouth turned into a big O. "Okay, I don't blame you. He's hot." She said thinking about it. The distant ringing of the phone interrupted another of the ongoing scenes in my mind from last night. Following the tone, I searched my bag to find Elijah's number popping on my mobile's screen. "Hey, Elijah." "Morning Grace, is Remi with you?" He spoke rather hastily. "Yeah, why?" A sigh sounded from him. "Great, ask her if she has my VIP passes?" His mention of those passes made me rethink everything Remi told me. I turned to her, suddenly displeased. "Rem, do you happen to have stolen some VIP passes from Elijah?" A sheepish grin crossed her lips. "So what?" She shrugged. The nerve of her, she didn't even bribe but stole them.  Damn. "Elijah, how about I just come over today? Remi's sorry by the way." I said sarcastically as Remi groaned. "Great, and I doubt she'd even be sorry for it. That's Rem to us." We both laughed. After some chit-chat, Remi left and it was time to head over to his. A knot formed in my stomach as an odd feeling of excitement took over me. Something's as telling me that the trip to his would be different.
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