38. I’m here Princess

1687 Words

DEVON POV We need to build a school closer to the pack. Knowing that my mate needs me and not being able to get to her right away is frustrating as all hell. When I first felt a tinge of shock and fear, I was in the shower. I got out with the intention of calling her, but received the mind link before I could get that far. “We need to have access to her bracelets signal.” Bane urged. I hadn’t even thought of that. Alex and Adam have access to all the signals coming from the girls’ bracelets. It never occurred to me that I would need it, until now. “I’ll talk to Alex as soon as we get back.” Right now, I knew where she was and that she needed me. Before long, I was in front of the school, there was already someone waiting for me out front. More than anything, I wanted to head straight f

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