11. Where we belong

1448 Words

WINONA POV All day I felt as though I had a little skip in my step. My conversation with Jonathan didn’t change what had happened. It’s not like he was remorseful or apologized, but it still managed to make me feel better. I felt lighter as if a huge weight had been lifted off my chest. I'm not happy about the potty mouth I'm developing but I can't stop myself when I get mad. Then again it's been bleeding over into my day-to-day vocabulary. The bus ride home provided some time for me to reflect on everything. It was funny how sitting at the back of the bus had now become like therapy. It was my opportunity to get lost in my head. It was either that or listening to a disgruntled shepup complain about how Sarah was a total b***h for kissing her ex. So yeah, I chose to drown her and everyo

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