23. Like you care

1252 Words

WINONA POV NEXT DAY Doubts and regrets. All night, my mind was restless as I went over what had happened with Dev. When I woke up this morning, I was exhausted. With no one to talk to, I kept going around in circles. One thing I knew for sure, I needed to be honest with him. As for the rejection, things weren’t as clear to me as they were before. At one point I was certain about what I did and didn’t want, but now not so much. The more time that passed, the more doubts I had. Lucy hadn’t spoken to me since yesterday and I needed her right now. She was the only one I could talk to about this. “Lucy, please talk to me.” I whined, hoping she would have pity on me. Every minute that passed, the guilt of trying to reject Dev kept growing and growing. The pained look on his handsome face hau

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