22. Give her some time

1323 Words

ALPHA ALEX POV When neither Win nor Dev showed up for dinner, I guessed that meant they were off doing what mates do. I was passed having doubts about them being mates after he stormed out of my office when she arrived from school. The only thing that worried me was Win’s reluctance to have a mate. She was scared of being hurt again, scared to open up to anyone else and even more scared to be judged by her mate. Jonathan had really f****d up her mentality about mates. From seeing my parents, Jordan and Lilimar and Uncle Jerry and Aunt Celia. I knew that although they fought and disagreed, they were there for each other no matter what. Of course, there were exceptions, like Jonathan. But based on what I’ve seen, more often than not, mates accept you and your flaws. Even though Win knew t

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