8. Whiny!

1371 Words

WINONA POV NEXT DAY I have no idea what I was thinking when I told my parents I would go to Golden Moon with them. They were supposed to leave on Saturday, but my mother kept finding excuses to stay. My father was growing impatient, not that she cared. She just kept asking me if I was coming and I kept telling her I hadn’t decided. It wasn’t until Monday when my dad packed her things and told her they were leaving that she looked at me expectantly. That’s when I told them I would go with them, but they would have to wait a few days. I had a test the next day and didn’t want any distractions. Tuesday came and I took my test. Right after dinner, my mother helped me pack. That was last night. My father decided that he and my mom would go to Golden Moon in the morning, and I would go to

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