9. Something is wrong

1328 Words

WINONA POV Our eyes are locked on one another, shock written all over our faces. After a moment, I was overcome with joy and excitement. I have finally found my mate! A grin forms on my face and I begin to take a step forward, but then I notice he still looks shocked. When he sees I’m moving forward, he takes a step back. My heart felt as though it was being squeezed inside my chest. He doesn’t want us close to him. “Did we do something wrong?” Lucy asks in a panic. I have no reply for her. We’ve just spotted him, what could we have done in the past minute to upset him? “I… I don’t know.” I finally replied. My eyes are still trained on my mate, but I stop moving forward. He looks down for a moment and then begins to walk in my direction. I feel a sense of relief when he doesn’t run out

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