17. Accept it

1416 Words

WINONA POV KNOCK! KNOCK! “Who… who the hell?” Mel’s groggy voice grumbled. I sat up and looked around feeling disoriented. That’s when I remembered I had slept over at Mel’s. “You expecting someone?” I asked and frowned. I turned to look at the time. It was barely eight in the morning. She shook her head and slid out of bed. “It’s too damn early.” She whined and left the room. While Mel went to see who was responsible for our unsolicited wake-up call, I went to wash up. As soon as I was done, I rushed past the hallway and down the stairs. “Did you hold your breath?” Lucy accused. “No idea what you’re talking about.” I swear I could feel her glaring at me. There was no way I was having this conversation this early. When I reached the living room, I found my cute and tiny mother smiling a

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