Chapter 11-2

2606 Words

“We’ll get through this. Then I’ll show you my love.” Unable to trust his voice, Shae nodded. Bless reached down for him as he was shoved upwards by Tuor. Shae immediately thrust Bless ahead of him then shuffled around to reach down to pull Tuor to safety. They worked together, and succeeded just in time. The first of the letalis surged through the door shrieking, and leapt up, snapping at Tuor’s feet, missing him by millimetres. “No time to hang around. These creatures are relentless. We need the outdoor gear, Bless.” “It’s stuffed in here by the exit.” Bless’s voice quavered slightly, but he followed Tuor who scrambled ahead on his hands and knees as quickly as he could. Crawling along behind his friend, Shae made the occasional encouraging remark for his friend’s sake. There was no

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