


Accepting their company’s assignment as medic and nurse on Glacialis, Shae and Bless find their welcome as frigid as the planet itself. Neither Adair, the mine’s foreman, nor Merag, his head of security, make the men feel welcome or wanted.

When one of the miners seeks medical attention for an injury he doesn’t want Adair to know about, Shae and Bless quickly find themselves investigating illegal activity at the mine and embroiled in danger.

When Shae falls in love with the undercover Ranger sent to investigate the mine, and he and Bless choose to help him. Peril takes three forms, each different, but as deadly as the other.

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1Stepping out of his carriage, Shae was pleased to see Bless standing and waiting for him outside their company gates. “I’d have picked you up, you know.” Shae drew his friend into a hug before they walked together across the spacious courtyard. “I know you would. But I was already going to be out and about, easier to get here under my own power. Any idea what this is all about?” “I believe we’re about to get our first off-world posting.” Shae grinned and rubbed his hands and Bless’s eyebrows rose. “Really? I thought that kind of assignment was for seniors only. We’ve not been there that long.” “We’re a good team. You’re the best nurse I could ever want working at my side. I’ve made it known that I don’t want to be partnered with any other nurses.” “That means a lot to me.” Bless’s voice softened and he smiled at Shae. “I know how much your family sacrificed for your studies. I’m glad I met you and that we’re good friends. I’m extremely glad you’re so proficient at your job. That makes mine so much easier.” “Well, let’s go see where we’ve got.” Bless’s step had an extra bounce as they headed up the stairs. The doorman nodded at them as they entered and although Shae removed his top hat, tucking it into the crook of his arm, Bless kept his stovepipe in place. As his friend moved ahead of him, Shae smirked at the bright blue feather Bless had added to the hat. Elegant, beautiful, but quirky, the very personification of Bless himself. Riding up in the elevator, Shae took advantage of the highly polished copper doors to check his appearance. Cleanliness and professionalism, these were his mottos. He’d chosen black dress pants with a crisp, sharp crease, a perfectly ironed shirt, and a black frock jacket. These were the kind of garments Shae felt most comfortable in and he rarely dressed less formally. By contrast, Bless’s figure-hugging, blue, velvet pants, teamed with a cream shirt and dark grey leather corset were more Bless’s off-duty attire. Reaching the medical supervisor’s door, Bless knocked, listened, and then opened the door, allowing Shae to precede him. The portly man facing them even managed to make the oversized desk seem small. He didn’t rise. He gazed impassively from Shae to Bless and his lips grew even thinner. “Dr McAdam, Thompson, do sit.” He waved a podgy hand at the hardback chairs in front of his desk. Taking his seat, Shae waited for Bless to sit. “You said you had an assignment, Dr Cartwright.” “Indeed I do. The regular doctor on one of our outposts suffered an accident and isn’t fit for duty. I’d like you to replace him. Now, ideally, I’d like his nurse, who knows the place, to accompany you, but I know you have a preference for Thompson.” Ignoring the way Cartwright’s nose wrinkled when speaking of Bless, Shae folded his arms. “I know and trust Bless implicitly. He’s the best nurse I’ve ever worked with and he knows me like no other. If we cannot remain as a team, then I cannot accept the assignment. I might remind you we were taken on as a team.” “Yes. I realise that.” Cartwright’s sigh was clearly a huff of impatience. “Very well. You’re to go to Glacialis, one of our most remote outposts. Despite being a freezing, inhospitable world of nearly perpetual darkness, Glacialis also has ebenus. I’m sure you’re aware of the stone?” Shae nodded. Ebenus was a small black gem, very rare, and thus very expensive and highly prized. Because of its place on the very outskirts of explored space, Shae knew that Britannia had sent in men to set up a base, then a mine. And failure to find intelligent life meant that Britannia could mine as freely as the company wished. “How long is our assignment?” “A month. I assure you it will feel like much, much longer. I regret to say the miners are uncouth, as one might imagine, and thus we recompense our professionals accordingly.” Cartwright pushed a slip of paper towards Shae who tried to retain his neutral expression in the face of such a high fee. Glancing at Shae, he noted the tiny inclination of his friend’s head. “Very well. We’re your men.” “Good. Now go and see Atkins. He’ll ensure you know what you need by way of supplies and sort your flight. The day after tomorrow, gentlemen. Thank you.” The dismissal was polite enough and Shae led the way out. “Stuck up prick.” Bless grumbled darkly as they walked along the corridor. “Never mind him. We’re a team, we stay together. Now, let’s see what we need to organise.”

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