
1020 Words
Nia's eyes fluttered open, and she found herself in her familiar grand, opulent bed chamber. She was lying on a plush velvet bed, surrounded by intricately carved wooden panels and lavish tapestries. The room was dimly lit, with only a few candles illuminating the space. As she sat up, her head spun, and she felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. She remembered the battle, her transformation, and the decay of her wings. Panic set in as she looked around, trying to remember how she got there. Khalil woke up from his slumber, sensing she was now awake, his eyes filled with concern. "Welcome back, Nia. You've been asleep for a while. We brought you back to the palace after you... collapsed." “What am I?’, Nia asked, wondering what Khalil knew. He looked at her grimly before handing her a book. It was a black book titled History of the Faeries that went into great detail about the Faerie and Lycan Wars. The faeries were led by a fierce warrior queen who killed many lycans but was defeated. The Lycans were victorious and beat back the faeries at the cost of many lives on both sides. No one knows how the queen was beaten. It explained that faeries and lycans/werewolves were natural enemies and that all faeries found were to be exterminated immediately. Nia looked up in horror. “You have to kill me?” she asked, but Khalil's expression turned soft as he took her hand in his and sat down next to her. “Nia, you're my mate. I could never do anything that would cause any harm to you, but there may be some wolves, like my own father, that know about this history. We will need to keep your nature concealed for now," Khalil said, and Nia nodded. “But what about your soldiers?’ Nia asked. She remembered many people being with him when he came. Jewel as well. “All of my members are bound by my command to keep what they saw to themselves at risk of death, and Jewel will not say a word. She is in the library looking for something that could help your wings, among other things," he said, drifting off. Nia got the sense that he was keeping something from her. “What is it?” she asked him, taking his grim face in the palm of her hand. She was not sure where the need to comfort him came from, especially after her experience, but she could feel his sadness through their bond. Even more because she could feel it even stronger now that Carter was dead. “Nothing, he said. “We have to figure out how to fix your wings," is all he said, but Nia got the sense he was not telling her something. Nia's gaze locked onto his, her mind racing. "My wings... What's happening to me? Why are they... decaying?" she asked, moving her hand away and looking back into the book. Khalil's expression was grim. "We don't know yet. But we'll figure it out.” He stroked her back lightly, feeling the tingles of the mate bond in full effect, somehow stronger than what he felt before. He wondered if it was because she now recognized him as her mate as well. Nia nodded, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over her. She lay back down, her eyes closing as Khalil's gentle touch soothed her back into a deep sleep. Nia's eyes fluttered closed, and she was plunged into a vivid dream. She saw a battle-scarred landscape, with wolves and faeries clashing in a frenzy of fur and feathers. The air was thick with the scent of blood and smoke. As she watched, a powerful faerie emerged from the chaos. She had wings as white as snow and hair as black as night, and her eyes blazed with a fierce inner light. Nia's heart skipped a beat as she realized that the faerie looked uncannily like her. The faerie queen, for that's who she was, led the charge against the Lycans with a fierce cry. Her wings beat the air, sending wolves flying, and her magic crackled with energy. Nia felt a surge of pride and wonder as she watched her doppelganger fight with grace and ferocity. But the dream shifted, and Nia saw a lycan, one who looked uncannily like Khalil, leap forward and lock his teeth in the faerie queen's throat. The queen's eyes widened in shock as the lycan's jaws closed, tearing her throat out. She fell, her wings crumbling to ash, and Nia felt a scream build in her throat. She woke with a start, her heart racing, and found Khalil's concerned face hovering over hers. "Nia, what's wrong?" He asked, his voice low and soothing. Nia's gaze locked onto his, her mind reeling with the vivid dream. She saw the similarities between the lycan in her dream and Khalil, and her heart raced with a mix of fear and confusion. Nia's gaze locked onto Khalil's, her mind reeling with the vivid dream. But she didn't reveal what she saw. Instead, she asked, "Khalil, can I have some privacy? I want to read this book some more." Khalil's expression turned concerned, but he nodded. "Of course, Nia. I'll leave you alone for a while." He hesitated, then added, "But if you need me, just call out. I'll be right across the hall." Nia nodded, her eyes already scanning the pages of the book. Khalil left the room, closing the door behind him. As soon as she was alone, Nia started to cough. She tried to stifle it, but blood flecked her lips, and she felt herself growing lightheaded. The room spun, and she fell back onto the bed, the book slipping from her grasp. Khalil felt her anxiety through the bond as he returned to his room, and then felt the bond shake inside him. Something was wrong. Khalil burst back into the room, his face pale with concern. "Nia." He rushed to her side, gathering her into his arms as she passed out once more.
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