The Dark Spell

1026 Words
King Metro's voice thundered through the forest from Amber’s phone, his anger palpable. "Useless! Both of you! My daughter, a princess, can't even secure a marriage with a Lycan prince! And my son, a prince, can't even avenge my honor!" Princess Amber's face reddened, her eyes flashing with frustration. "Father, it's not that simple! Khalil is distracted. The girl you told about being his mate is injured somehow, and he's focused on her." Prince Mecca stepped forward, his voice cautious. "We'll take care of it, Father. We'll make sure Khalil agrees to the marriage. It's just a matter of time." King Metro sneered. "Time? You've had enough time! I sent that sage to take care of Nia, and she still lives! Everyone is failing me, including both of you." Princess Amber's voice trembled. "Father, please understand." King Metro's hand slammed on the throne, silencing her. "I'll come up there myself and show you my rage. You're no better than your mother, weak and feeble!" Prince Mecca and Princess Amber exchanged fearful glances. They knew their father's wrath all too well. "We'll do it, Father," Prince Mecca promised. "We'll make sure Khalil agrees to the marriage and find a way to get rid of his mate. Just give us a little more time." King Metro's glare lingered, but he nodded. "Very well. But I expect results. Soon." The siblings breathed a sigh of relief as the king's attention turned elsewhere. But they knew the reprieve was temporary. They had to act fast or face their father's wrath once more. "We need to act fast," Princess Amber whispered to Prince Mecca as they left the throne room. "We can't let Father come up there. He'll ruin everything." Prince Mecca nodded grimly. "I know. Let's go. We have to find a way to get rid of Nia without Khalil finding out. They quickly made their way to their chambers, their minds racing with strategies and plans. "We need to find a way to get rid of Nia without Khalil suspecting anything," Mecca said, his voice low and urgent. Amber nodded, her eyes scanning the room as if searching for ideas. "I know. But how? Khalil is always by her side, and his guards are loyal only to him." Mecca's eyes narrowed. "Leave that to me. I'll take care of the guards. But we need something to use against Nia—something that will make Khalil believe she's a threat to his kingdom." Amber's eyes widened as a sinister grin spread across her face. "I know just the thing. The sages at our palace... They have a spell that can manipulate memories. We can use that to make Nia seem like a traitor to Khalil." Mecca's eyes lit up with approval. "Brilliant, sister. Let's get to work." As they put their plan into action, they left the palace and sought out the dark sages, a secretive and feared group within their own kingdom. Amber had connections with them through her dealings in the shadows, and she knew they would be willing to help—for a price. They met in a dimly lit chamber deep in the forest near their castle, the air thick with the scent of dark magic. Amber negotiated the terms, her voice steady and calculated. "We need a spell to manipulate memories. Something that will make Khalil believe Nia is a traitor." The leader of the dark magic users, a hooded figure with eyes that glowed like embers, nodded. "I have just the thing. But it will cost you." Mecca stepped forward, his hand on the hilt of his sword. "We're willing to pay. But we need it done quickly. Time is of the essence." The hooded figure smiled, revealing pointed teeth. "I'll need something of the human mate, something personal. And a lock of Khalil's hair. The spell requires a personal connection to be effective." Amber nodded, her mind racing with the details. "I'll get what you need. But we need the spell to be powerful enough to convince Khalil completely. No doubts, no questions." The hooded figure nodded, its eyes glinting with malevolence. "I'll make sure of it. But be warned, the spell comes with a cost. Are you certain the girl is only human? The spell will only work if she is human.” “Yes. I did not sense a wolf in her or see her do anything but be a pain in my ass. She is human," Princess Amber said, unaware that Nia was no longer just a human. Mecca and Amber exchanged a glance, their hearts heavy with the weight of their actions. But they were too far gone to turn back now. They nodded in unison, sealing their fate with a dark and dangerous magic. The hooded figure began to chant in a low, ominous tone, its eyes glowing brighter as it wove the dark magic spell. The air in the chamber grew thick and heavy, weighing down on Mecca and Amber like a physical force. As the spell took shape, a faint hum filled the room, like the buzzing of a thousand bees. The sound grew louder and more intense until it felt like a living thing, pulsing with malevolent energy. Suddenly, a blinding flash of light illuminated the chamber, and the hum ceased. The hooded figure stepped back, its eyes dimming to a dull glow. "It is done," it rasped, its voice like the rustling of dry leaves. "The spell is cast. Khalil will believe Nia is a traitor, and his mind will be closed to any other possibility." Mecca and Amber nodded, their faces set in determined lines. They knew the spell would convince Khalil of Nia's betrayal, but they also knew it came with a terrible cost, though they did not know what it was. They had the sage make a portal that put them directly in front of Khalil’s castle, as if they never left, unaware that they were being watched the entire time by Jewel, who was in the forest on her way to a pack member’s home when she overheard them speaking to their father. Jewel rushed back to the kingdom immediately.
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