Chained |13|

2419 Words
K N O X ‘ S P. O. V I still don’t understand. I thought we were okay, I thought we were in a good place but instead she’s shut me out all over again. Her phone is off everytime I call, and I’m not allowed into the club anymore since I can’t afford to buy anything. Each time I tell the stupid bouncer that I know Geneva, the boss is conveniently not in. She’s not staying at the apartment anymore either, the entire place is in a state of disarray and most of her s**t is either gone or in the trash outside. Clearly that points to one thing, she ran, yet the problem remains that I heard some drunk bastards last night talking about real Lilliana’s t**s feel. I delivered some light interrogation that ended up with me breaking one of their wrists, but they got into too much detail of how her ass looks. The one piece of information I did get wasn’t very promising. She’s in there, still working her shifts and dancing the pole, even offering private dances, and yet I’ve been waiting out here all night and she hasn't left. Another f*****g piece to add to the puzzle is the fact two more bouncers have been posted at either entrance or exit. Now I’m not a guy with a big ego as such but it feels like they’re there to keep me out, which makes me think Geneva is hiding out there too. Probably watching me on the shitty security cameras surrounding the parking lot. When it hits ten in the morning, I know I’m going to need a better plan than this. Or at least a better gun. Those AK’s his bouncers are carrying will drill me into a bloody mess if I step outside. Turning on the ignition, I pull out of the lot, keeping an eye on the armed bastards I’m leaving behind. I head straight to my room once I get back to the apartment. My gun stash was hidden in the back of the closet, I have no idea if Caitlin ever found them but if she did she didn’t say anything. I try to ignore the way her cherry scent still linger on the sheets, forcing me to pop another one of those candies into my mouth to relieve the desire to taste her again. f**k, I don’t think I’ve ever tasted something so sweet in my mouth and that burning need to bury my face in her p***y hasn’t left. Even if it would sign my death warrant at my best friend’s hand. I load up a duffel bag with the shotguns and sniper rifles. I can take them out easily without protection but inside, I’ll be blind with no idea of where she is or what’s actually happened to her. Fuck, if she’s already dead then… A crash hits loud from the kitchen. I draw my handgun but the bullets fly at me, forcing me to duck and take cover behind the door. Footsteps race my way, maybe two or three guys. I eye the sniper sitting in the open duffel on the bed. Quickly, I reach out a hand, but it’s almost bitten off by the rapid fire of bullets. “s**t,” One of them mutters as the bullets cease fire. He must have run out. Fuck. I can hear them running towards me, but I hesitate, looking at the duffel bag. “Not enough f*****g time,” I murmur, gripping the top of the door as I slam it into his face. The satisfying crunch of bone breaking builds the adrenaline in my body. I drop the handgun, and quickly shrug off my jacket, not wanting blood to stain the leather. Slowly, the door is pushed open. There’s two of them, the one with the bust nose is holding a handgun to my face, cradling his bloody face with the other. “You’re dead,” He spits, the wad hitting my shoe. I smile, stretching out my knuckles already scared from fights like this. It’s been a f*****g while since I’ve fought like this. Bare knuckled with the rush of watching blood spilt driving me. His friend behind trembles slightly with the gun in his hand, nerves causing sweat to bead from his hairline. He’ll be easy to take out, either that or he’ll run. Unluckily for him, it’s information I need from them so running ain’t a f*****g option. “Pull the trigger then.” His thumb itches to press down but I slam it back into his face, hitting one of his eye sockets. Even I cringe at that. The other swings his fist, hitting my jaw. I laugh, spitting the blood onto the stained carpet and sling a punch at his gut. My knee connects with his jaw, and then my knuckles with his head, pounding again and again…fucking christ. The asswipe behind me jumps on my back, riding me like a damn monkey. He rails punches at my face, my neck, my shoulders, blocking my vision. I channel my f*****g rage towards Geneva who probably sent these bastards and throw him off, grunting with a sense of satisfaction as he hits the wall, knocking him out cold. I grab asswipe’s gun, and load it. “Wait, wait, wait…” The other shuffles back until he hits the doorframe, almost crying as I point it straight at his face. “Please, I got a mom, don’t…” “Everyone’s got a f*****g mother shitface,” Grabbing him by the collar, I force him up against the wall. “Now, you’re gonna tell me who sent you here and why.” He breaks out into a sob. Sighing, I shove the barrel of the gun into his mouth. “I’m gonna lose my patience soon and when I do it’s gonna be a big f*****g mess.” He gargles around the gun, shaking his head as tears leak from his eyes. “Let’s start off easy. What’s your name?” I slowly retract the gun, regretting my action at the mass of spit that follows. “Darnell.” “Good, so Darnell, who's your boss?” He hesitates until I push the gun beneath his jaw. “Geneva! Geneva! He hired us.” “Why?” “I don’t know, he didn’t give a reason he rarely does, just that you were a problem that needed taking care of.” “Where did you meet him?” “His office, half the payment now, and half later.” So he’s expecting them back. Guess I just found my way in. “Was there a girl there?” “Uh…” I slam him back against the wall, “It was a simple f*****g question Darnell.” “Yes! Yes! Um some blonde chick…” “I’m gonna need more details.” “She was wearing underwear, locked in this sort of cage thing and she didn’t really look at anything or talk.” I jam the gun in harder. “She had nice t**s! That’s what I remember thinking, damn those are a good set of t**s and her ass…” “That’s enough.” Yep that’s my girl alright. “Did he call her anything? Say something about her, to her?” “Yeah, he was taunting her. Uh he said poor Caitlin, I guess your Scottish white knight won’t be able to save you after all, but she ignored him. She looked kind of out of it, drugged or something.” Shit. I drop him on his ass, reaching into my pocket for my phone. He knows about her true identity which means he should have killed her straight away for lying to him, or he’s figured out a way to use her for more money. I can hear an annoying shuffling behind me. “Don’t even think about going anywhere Darnell. You wanna get out of this alive, then you better shut up and f*****g listen to me. Got it?” His friend begins to stir awake. I don’t hesitate before putting two bullets in his head, causing Darnell to begin to sob again. Christ. “You better not piss yourself Darnell. They’ll be no saving you then.” He nods, blubbering an I’m sorry. I call the one person I trust not to tell a f*****g soul about this, and happens to be getting an A plus in chemistry. “What? It’s my lunch break, you know we only get forty minutes. Public schools are crazy.” “Well you’re the one that said you wanted to become more worldly within your education.” “And that has been achieved. I know how to roll a joint, and skip class without getting caught.” “Ah, the essentials in life.” I laugh, which subsides as I turn and find Darnell attempting to cover the wet patch on his pants. f*****g ace. Stepping over him, I move towards the kitchen where it doesn’t smell like piss. “I need your help.” “Must be serious.” “It is Stasia, but you can’t tell my parents.” “Relax, they’re pissing me off these days so I haven’t got any loyalties to them.” “Hey, be nice.” I warn. “Your parents are some of the best people I know.” “Well, you don’t know many people so that’s not much of an achievement.” “Alright smartass, you know how to makeshift a bomb?” I can feel her excitement ripple through the phone. “s**t, really. I’ve always wanted to do this.” “You’re not doing this, I am. I just need your f*****g advice.” “What’s in it for me?” I forgot the Romanos are all business first, even the children. “I’ll bring you home something I know you really want.” Anastasia missed Caitlin almost as much as Aaron. Beneath her cold exterior, she’s just a girl that misses her best friend and aunt. “That’s a little obscure.” “Well sorry that’s all you're getting. I promise it’ll be worth it.” “Fine, have you got any paint thinner? Nail polish remover?” “I think I have the remover, wait a second.” I quickly run into the bathroom and find it on the bottom shelf. Caitlin left it here alongside a few other things. “Okay got it,” “I don’t even wanna ask why you have it, but if it's for you, then I applaud the way you’re not scared to break through gender barriers.” “Ok, just what’s next?” An hour later and the mini bomb is ready to go. Darnell is still in the same place as before, although he’s finally changed into the spare pants I threw him. “What is that?” The place stinks from cooking the sugar and the bomb isn’t exactly the best or most stable so we gotta do this fast. I gently place it in a cardboard box, “A bomb which you’re going to deliver to Geneva. Relax, I’m not gonna blow you up. It won’t even set off until force is applied, so if s**t goes bad, throw it at Geneva or one of his men and run.” “And you’re trusting me? I could just throw it at you?” “You could, but I trust you Darnell. Also,” I cuff his wrist to mine, already regretting this barely thought out plan. “You die, I die. Hold this,” It’s a strange thing to know any second you could just be blown to pieces by a bomb your 15 year old niece instructed you to make. But I also know it’s the only way to save Caitlin. “So, go inside and pretend you’ve killed me to get in. Say this is my hand or some s**t as proof. I’ll be instructing you the comms, so if you try to give anything away, then I’m sorry man but I’ll have to kill you.” “Understood,” I’m parked just around the corner in Darnell’s shitty blue beemer. I can barely fit in the thing, and my head knocks against the roof. I climb out of the car and wait, listening to Darnell’s weird and heavy breathing as he walks into the club. Using the bobble on my wrist, I tie my hair into a small bun and grab the sniper, strapping it to much chest. I tuck a handgun into my boot and then sling the duffel bag over one shoulder, leaning back against the car. It’s times like this that I miss cigarettes. I pop a cherry lollipop into my mouth instead, letting the stick hang out of my mouth. “What the hell is that?” Geneva. f**k, I can’t wait to finally kill the bastard. “His hand, proof of death.” “Good, well show me then. Chris will get you your money but uh…what happened to the partner?” “Knox killed him, you know occupational hazard and all.” “Knox? I never gave you a name.” Oh s**t. I start to run towards the club, lungs burning as I push harder to get in before the guards come back. “He said it, you know something like oh you’re gonna try and kill me? Well, you don’t mess with Knox. You know?” Darnell laughs but it falls short. “Throw it Darnell, f*****g throw it and run. Don’t hit the girl.” I scream down the comms. It earns the attention of the grisly bouncer I met on my first night. He raises his gun but I use the silencer before he can pull the trigger. The big bastard falls back, creating a loud bang that echoes through the comms. “What the hell was that? You two go check it out.” Geneva orders, and I hear footsteps bounding straight towards me. “As for you, you’re dead, son.” “Sorry Knox, I hope you save your girl.” Darnell murmurs, and I hear the box opening in the background, just as four armed guards round the corner before me. They smile, raising their guns to shoot. Then I hear it go off. The explosion that knocks us all down, causing the world to fade black. ________________________________ A/N: Thoughts on Knox? What do you think will happen next?
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