Chapter 7

1652 Words

Both of them had genuine smiles adorning their faces. Seeing Mina this obedient left Yuuki deeply impressed. It was quite the sharp contrast from the person she’d jokingly refer to as Yue. “Living up to the name, I see. Seatmate breaker.” “Again, what does that even mean?” “It means you’re good at bending others to your will, carrot and stick in hand.” “I-I just happened to recall my little brother. He used to be a lot like Mina back in the day.” “The smile helps too. Gives you that gentle older sister vibe.” “C-Can you stop with that already? Mina’s a gifted kid, she just never put the work in.” Rio touched Mina’s hair, as if trying to hide her faintly flushed cheeks. Praised yet again, Mina double fist pumped. “I’m a genius! A genius, ya hear! Prepare a meal worthy of my genius,

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