Chapter 6

2547 Words

“Thanks, sis! Nothing can stop me now!” “Yes yes, good for you. Anyway, aren’t midterms just around the corner? Should you be fooling around like this?“ “Don’t worry. There’s still plenty of time.” Yui had a powerful ally by the name of Rio at her side, who she had asked to compile a “things likely to be on the midterms” notebook post-haste. The glasses also felt like they came with an int boost. Midterms were going to be a breeze. “Did you see that? I made them glow.” “Yes, yes.” Victory is as good as mine. Yui couldn’t wait for the next school day. *** And so came Monday. Yui got to school slightly early. She greeted her friends curtly before heading straight to her seat, awaiting Yuuki’s arrival. She set the study materials onto her desk, only to not pay any attention to them

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