Chapter 4

1329 Words

Yui leaned over slightly, giving Yuuki an upturned look. “Everything I just said was a lie, a joke, a hoax, all of it! Nothing can bring ’ol Yue down, I’m not that kind of character! You should’ve seen the look on your face when I patted you! Priceless, simply priceless! Did your heart flutter at my noble sacrifice? Did you fall for me? Fall hopelessly in love?” Yui put on her signature teasy smile, throwing a never-before-seen move, the finger twirl, in for good measure. I got got again. Yuuki snapped back to his senses, immediately feeling his soul leave his body... and an odd sense of relief. He heaved a heavy sigh, shrugging his shoulders so she wouldn’t catch on. “Almost got me there.” “Almost? That was my cleanest critical headpat to date. I could almost hear the pokeman low heal

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