Chapter 3

1623 Words

The words “pretend dating” confused the hell out of Rio. To quickly summarize Mina’s slightly convoluted explanation: Yuuki promised he’d get a girlfriend in exchange for her making a friend. Yui acted as his co-conspirator, taking on the role of pretend girlfriend. “I didn’t know about any of this.” “They’re keeping it a secret, so I don’t find out. Dunno about Yuukie but Yui seems really into it, she’s just too shy to admit it. Cute, right?” “Wait. How do you know about any of this?” “I saw his DMs with Yui the other day.” Mina crossed her arms, grinning evilly. “Heh. Silly Yukkie, thought he could keep me in the dark.” The pretend dating thing was a little hard to swallow, although it felt very much in character. “But don’t tell them, okay? If they find out that I looked at Yukk

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