Chapter 77. Who is it from?

1563 Words

John knocked at the door of Hamilton's office when it was afternoon. He had come to tell him something. "Yes, come in. The door is open." "Good afternoon sir," "Yes John, please have a seat." After he had taken the seat, he proceeded. "I am sure this visit to my office has good news with it?" "Actually, I have an idea which might help in the matter at hand." "Okay let me hear it." "I spoke with Elsie last night after I returned from your house. So we thought that it would be better if we ran the test behind Edythe just as we had planned earlier. Then if the test proves positive, we will then know what to do next." "But we reached an agreement yesterday?" "Yes sir, that one will still be in play while the test is being carried out. And this is not to counter the other one. It is ju

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