Chapter 13. What happened?

1146 Words

"Come in," Mason said after a knock was heard on his office door. As he saw who it was, he asked with some temper. "Where have you been, John? You refused to pick my calls again! What the hell is going on with you recently?" John was unable to say a dine. Mason was really angry and he ought to be that mad or even more. "Don't just stand there staring at me like that. I need an explanation from you." Mason was really losing it. "I'm sorry sir." "O spell me that! An explanation is what I need and not some flirty apologies." John was still speechless, he did not know how to explain himself in a way that would be justifiable. "I'm waiting. Let me hear what you were doing that stopped you from answering your calls or even returning." Mason was getting angrier the more with John's silence.

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