Chapter 48. Bring your voice down....

1251 Words

It was ten in the morning the following day when John Adkins arrived at the hotel. He was not supposed to report there that day but because of the thing he found out from Hamilton at the hospital and also because of his discussion with Elsie, he thought of seeing Mason, so as to tell him his plans on finding Edythe. Mason was not expecting anybody to visit him in the office that day. So when he heard the knock on the door, he had to ask. "Who is that?" "It's John, sir." "The door is open." Then John walked in, "Good morning sir." "Good morning John. I thought you were observing your day off today?" "Yes sir, you are right. But I don't think I can rest when my boss needs my help." "I don't understand," Mason said, and of the truth he did not get what John meant by those words. John

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