Trillionaire’s possession

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“You and Oscar?” Ziva asked her friend, looking curiously at her the moment the two men left. The two had obviously not seen each other for sometime judging by the initial reaction when they met last evening but they were inseparable by morning. “We were a thing back in high school,” Laura said, blushing. “You seem to be still in each other, what happened?” Ziva asked. Both Laura and Oscar looked like love sick teenagers. “Jenifer Day happened,” Laura said angrily. “He cheated on you?” Ziva asked with a disappointed tone. Laura shook her head “Not really, we were high school sweethearts. I really liked him but so were other women. You saw him, he’s really hot,”she explained. There were very few men she found attractive, Oscar was one. “Okay,” Ziva said expectedly. “Jenifer was a popular cheerleader, Oscar was the captain of the school rugby team, so she shamelessly flirted with him. To cut the story short, my parents separated, my mom and I moved away to another town. I had to attend a different school. Everything happened so sudden during school holidays, I was devastated and never got a chance to tell him or even say goodbye. By the time I settled and able to come back to Caper, he was with Jenifer,” Laura explained. “Bastard!” Ziva exclaimed angrily. “I was angry and hurt that he moved on so fast. It turned out that Jenifer spread rumours that I eloped with another man during the school holidays,” Laura continued. “And he believed her,” Ziva said, rolling her eyes. “We were just kids back then,” Laura said defensively. “That excuses stupidity?” Ziva snapped. Her friend seemed to be very lenient to fools. “You are really harsh, you know that?” Laura complained. “Anyway I never saw him again until yesterday,” she added. “When you completely forgot the betrayal and ran back in his arms,” Ziva completed her sentence, unimpressed. Laura happily and cozily shared a sleeping bag with Oscar after he betrayed her. “I never got over him,” she confessed, blushing. Her own reaction shocked her but she couldn’t help it. The moment she saw Oscar, she got lost in his eyes and arms when they shared the sleeping bag. “Are you prepared to compete with thousand other Jenifer’s out there?” Ziva asked. To her, Oscar was a despicable playboy like his prince friend. “We only just met, I don’t know what I am going to do. Enough about me, how about we talk about your hot trillionaire,” Laura suggested, turning the tables on her very critical friend. Ziva shook her head “He is not mine,” she said with disgust. She despised Jason, her ex fiancé with passion “He says otherwise,”Laura said, folding her arms on her chest. Jason popped up every time she searched Ziva. “He says a lot of things, it does not make them true,”Ziva said defensively. She hated that anyone searching her was now was greeted by Jason’s claim on her but there was nothing she could do about it because her ex was a very powerful man who always got his way. “Are you always this difficult?” Laura asked, sulking. There was clearly a story there but Ziva was not giving her anything. “When talking about despicable man-who*es who think women were created to serve them, yes,” Ziva responded. Laura studied Ziva for few minutes. Talking about the trillionaire guy really got her mad. “Are you sure that you are not hating all men because of him?” she asked. Ziva’s interaction with the prince and her remarks about Oscar were just too harsh for someone who did not know much about the two. Ziva shook her head frantically “I don’t hate all men, just the a*s holes,” she clarified. “Prince Richard happens to be a good guy and women really love warming his bed. Apparently, he is really talented in delivering multiple orga*ms that keep them coming back for more. Although many high class family girls fight over the claim of being his future queen, he is single and not cheating on anyone,” Laura said and gave up of trying to get Ziva to tell her about Jason. “I don’t think we are ever going to agree on this matter,” Ziva responded. To her it really did not matter how women ended up in the prince’s bed, she believed that he should not be letting them and should know better. After getting a cup of coffee and some breakfast, Ziva finally opened up and told her new friend everything about her obsessive ex fiancé who refuses to let her go. She found Laura’s reactions very similar to her best friend Dilan’s ones. The two were by far the only ones who heard the story and did not make excuses for her ex or preach to her about forgiveness. Laura got to understand why her new friend was so intolerant to anyone she viewed to be a playboy. That evening, Prince Richard sat on his bedroom, the encounter with Ziva playing in his head. He had asked his friend in intelligence to do a background check on her. Knowing Wade, he would probably take few days double checking everything before giving him the report. Too curious to wait, he decided to do the search himself. Fortunately for him, finding out about Ziva was easier than he thought. “Great, a trillionaire’s possession,” he said, disappointed. He thought she was brave and bold confronting him like she did only to find out she was just being arrogant because she thought she was untouchable. After reading more about her fiancé who happens to be a playboy too, to him this meant she did not really have a problem with playboys but him personally. Prince Richard now felt that Ziva’s statements were very disrespectful and intentionally meant to provoke him. Like an id*ot, he had let her because he found her amusing at the time. He made up his mind to go back the following day to give her a piece of his mind. The following day, Ziva and Laura were very pleased with the number of people who showed up but that was short lived again because all the young women saw their beloved prince and left with him, leaving the blood bank team with half the number. Ziva was fuming, certain that he did it on purpose this time. Even Laura was disappointed by his actions and could not defend him. It was worse when he came back later to greet them, Ziva wanted to tear him apart but her displeasure was met with equal animosity from his side this time. “You have no right judging anyone when you are nothing but a trillionaire’s possession,” Prince Richard had said to her before leaving. Ziva was left fuming, his statement had hit a nerve. That was the worse insult anyone ever used on her. Laura was also shocked, that was so unlike the prince she was very fond of. That afternoon, Prince Richard had calmed down and meeting with his close friends for their regular weekly get togethers in Wade’s house. During the conversation Oscar brought Ziva up. “Laura tells me that you took off with the Asherway girl,” he said, still in disbelief. Richie had never been mean to anyone for as long as he could remember. He was by far the humblest guy he knew, if he was not so popular with the women, one would never say he was the heir to the throne. “She’s full of crap, I had to set her straight,” Prince Richard said angrily, shocking all his friends. They all had never heard him speak like that. On most occasions, they were the ones setting the people whom they thought were disrespectful to him straight and would do it behind his back. “I thought you liked her. She is apparently very offended by your statement, she definitely hates you more than she does her obsessive ex fiancé now,” Oscar told him. Laura told him everything when they talked an hour before he came. “Obsessed ex?” Prince Richard asked. The search he did on her said nothing about the trillionaire Jason Watson being an ex or obsessive. All he saw was hundreds of photos of the two in love dating back to ten years ago, the very romantic video of the proposal and plans for their future together. “They broke up over a year ago but he won’t let her go. The man is obsessed, he intimidates any man that comes near her, let alone getting the internet search engines to attach her to him. Anyone that searches her name has to know that she is his, how sick is that?” Oscar explained, disgusted. “s**t!” Prince Richard cursed out loud. Jason’s aim was to repeal men away from Ziva and he fell right into his trap. “Let me guess, you searched her online and didn’t wait for my report,” Wade said, reading through him. He was running the country’s intelligence unit and dealt with the country’s surveillance and security matters. He also did all the background checks on everyone who interacted with the royal household. “Your reports take forever,” he responded, confirming Wade’s statement. “My reports are accurate and worth waiting for,” Wade explained to his impatient prince. “Fine, I should have waited for it, where is it?” Prince Richard asked. He desperately needed to know the facts before deciding his next move. “My man in Asherway is still getting all the information,”Wade explained. “How long would that take?” Prince Richard asked impatiently. “A week or two but here’s a preliminary one. Impressive, I must say,” Wade said, giving him the document. Richard paged through the document, Ziva’s impressive career not surprising him. He scanned past it to her relationship with Jason. “He is her CEO?” he asked while reading through the document. “This man rules the politicians there, they let him do whatever he wants. He volunteered for the job the day before she came here. That must have ticked her off, apparently his men are looking for her all over the country,” Wade explained. “She’s on a run?” Victor asked, curious. “More like a hideout,” Wade corrected. So far his checks showed that Ziva planned on returning to Asherway in three months time. Prince Richard sighed, already beating himself up. “Can you find out from Laura where they would be tomorrow?” he asked Oscar. He felt terrible for messing with their recruiting and he wanted to make it up to them but also needed a way of meeting Ziva again and apologise for his statement. “She won’t tell me, you sabotaged their recruitment twice already!” Oscar cried. He just met Laura after so many years and the two discovered that they were still into each other, his friend’s actions were already putting a strain on that. “Tell her we are all coming to donate,” Prince Richard suggested. “I will even do a television interview to encourage donors,” he added and hoped to make up for his actions. “Who is all?” Oscar asked. “I and my three best friends,”the prince responded. “No ways! I’m not getting poked,” Oscar objected shaking his head and getting nodding from Wade. He hated needles and the the last thing he needed was Laura seeing him squirm because of a needle. “Our country is short of blood, if that continues our people will die. It’s our responsibility to lead by example,” Prince Richard said resonating Ziva’s sentiments. “You are kidding, right?” Oscar asked. Richie had sabotaged the blood donation process twice but now blackmailing them to donate because he felt bad for being mean to a woman he just met. “Richie is right, the hospitals are running low. Major surgeries in all our hospital and the rest of the country have been canceled. We need the blood bank up and running very fast,” Victor said. He was a doctor at the local hospital and knew firsthand their blood shortage crisis and how important it was for their blood bank to be a success. “Thank you, Victor. It’s decided then,” Prince Richard said smiling at them, knowing that he has won the battle. His friends always stood by him no matter what, he trusted them with his life. “Fine,” Oscar and Wade responded, sulking. That night Prince Richard hardly slept, horrified by his actions and wondered how Ziva ended up with such a scumbag like Jason.
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