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Ziva picked up her step, heading towards the Leap falls gate. Too much had changed in a matter of two hours she had been in there. She did not trust herself around the prince anymore and had decided to take a cab back on her own. She, however discovered that her problems were far from being over when she was about to exit the gate. In the biggest screen of the fall’s media centre played a clip of her with her feet on the river with birds taking off and fishes swimming away. She gasped watching the beautiful scenery but that was short lived because soon after that the clips of the prince kissing her followed. “Damn it!” she cursed out loud, literally running back into the media centre. “The woman of the moment,” he man behind the counter said the moment she walked in. He could spot her anywhere after spending the past hour editing her videos and photographs. “Hello, I’m Ziva. I just saw my video clips on the screen outside,” she said, looking at multiple photographs of her with the prince spread over the counter. “Perfect, isn’t?“ the man beamed. “This one is my favourite,” he said, picking up the one at the river with the the birds and the fishes but unlike the one she saw outside, this one had the prince at the background watching her. “Could you please delete all those?” Ziva asked, pointing at the screen. “Absolutely not! Those are the best we have so far,” the man exclaimed. “They are absolutely stunning! We are guaranteed to make a lot of money on that,” he added. “Please, I will pay for them,” Ziva pleaded. The man laughed, Ziva clearly had no idea how much they will make with those. “I am afraid you can’t Ma’am,” he said. “Why not?” she asked looking at him suspiciously. “You see, the prince alone will guarantee us millions but the two of you like that, it’s billions,” he said with certainty. “You are kidding right?” Ziva asked in disbelief. “You are not from Leap, are you Ma’am?” the man asked. No Leap citizen would ask such a question. Ziva looked back at him wondering what gave her away this time. The old woman at the gate had asked her the same question when she was clueless about the flower on her head. “The reasons tabloids follow our prince around is because anything with him sells. Did you see that huge billboard of him from the airport?” he asked. Ziva nodded “Yes, what about it?” “The photographer who took it made over a million. He put that billboard as a form of gratitude,” he said with envy. “That’s ridiculous!” Ziva exclaimed. She had assumed that Prince Richard posed for that billboard because he was narcissistic and wanted everyone coming to Leap to see his photograph but it turns out that someone else put it there. “You, Ma’am will be in every Leap household very soon,” the man said with certainty. “Those are my photographs and video clips, it is legally my right to decide what happens to them. I want them deleted but I am willing to pay for your troubles,” Ziva said, her head starting to spin. The man laughed, convinced that Ziva wanted the photographs so she could make the money from them herself. “Legally, you wavered your right when you posed at video capture sites which were clearly stipulated on the information pamphlet and the declarations you signed when getting your tickets,” he explained. Ziva closed her eyes and sighed, she never saw the information pamphlet or signed any declaration because the prince got the tickets for her but she was certain that all this was intentional on his part. “Perfect place, perfect timing and absolutely photogenic, thank you so much Ma’am,” the man said when he noticed her defeated expression. “How exactly will you make money out of those?” she asked. She might have well known all the details so she could prepare herself. “Outside our gate you will see our second merchandise of the day, you are already selling like hot potato, but that’s just petty cash. The real money is in nature magazine, tabloids, posters, adverts, stuff like that,” he explained excitedly. As the media centre manager, he would definitely get a lot of commission from all of that. He had no idea when he came to work that morning that his wealth laid there. “So, there’s nothing at all I could do to get those deleted?” Ziva asked again, defeated. The man laughed at the thought “I’m afraid not,” he said. Ziva left the media centre more convinced than before to stay away from the prince. Her eyes opened wide in disbelief when she got outside the gate. Her and Prince Richard’s photographs were everywhere. On welcome to Leap pamphlets, cups, t-shirts, and frames. “This is insane! So much for keeping a low profile, Ziva,” she rebuked herself. She knew that the Leap citizens adored their prince, why on earth would she let her gut down and go anywhere with him? She was really irritated with herself for not thinking everything through. “There you are, My Lady,”the charming baritone like voice said behind her. Ziva sighed turning around, sneaking away from him had not worked. She waisted time trying to get their videos and photographs deleted until he caught up with her. “Here’s your hamper, the falls management is truly grateful for the profit you brought in already. I am told it’s the best they have had in years and it’s just one day. Imagine how much they will make in days to come?” he said excitedly, showing her the hamper. He enjoyed and supported anything that was guaranteed to improve his people’s lives. Ziva looked at the neatly wrapped basket on his hands and shook her head, she had more problems to deal with. At this rate she will be also be regarded as his groupie but that was not as bad as her possessive ex finding her. She had hoped for three peaceful months in Leap, they would be no peaceful once Jason knows where she is. “I want them deleted,”she said decisively. It suddenly dawned on her that the prince had the power to do that. “You can’t, it’s their property and it’s bringing them a lot of profit,” he explained, amused. “Because you signed an agreement on my behalf,”Ziva snapped at him. “It’s the same thing everyone signs when walking in there,” he explained, her tone not surprising him like it did the first time they met. “You knew where those cameras were positioned and still took me there,” she accused, glaring at him. “The cameras are everywhere in there. You, My Lady are photogenic and irresistible. We are just perfect together,” he said charmingly making her angrier. “I want them deleted and you can make that happen,” she insisted. “Yes I can but I will never do anything that will disadvantage someone trying to make ends meat,” he said sincerely. “I am never going anywhere with you again,” she said angrily, meaning every word. On any other day she would be impressed by his ethics but today she was irritated with him. Prince Richard’s chuckled “You are really cute when upset, My Lady,” he said, amused. “Mphm!” Ziva grunted making Prince Richard laugh. “Shall we go to our next stop?” he teased, intentionally pushing her buttons. “There is no next stop, you are taking me back to the blood bank or I’m taking the cab back,” Ziva commanded. “Very well then, I shall take you back.” Ziva looked suspiciously at him, he agreed too quickly, she could not help wondering if it was not a trick. “I could carry you again if your ankle has issues,” he suggested mischievously, getting closer to her when she did not move. “I can walk, thank you very much,” Ziva responded walking away from him and heading to where his car was parked. Prince Richard laughed and followed behind her. “Don’t wait for me, My Lady, I am enjoying the view,” he said mischievously with a huge grin, bringing Ziva to a sudden stop. “Don’t stop, My Lady. You are stunning from all views,” he added mischievously. “You are really annoying and childish!”she exclaimed irritated. “One of us should be playful for our children’s sake,” he said with a grin. “You are delusional!” Ziva exclaimed just before they reached his car. She wanted to get in and drive back as soon as possible but Prince Richard insisted on opening the door for her. “The signs are in our favour, Lady Ziva. I have a feeling that you will be mine soon,” he teased, enjoying himself. It was not everyday he met someone bold enough to call him names. “Just get in and drive,” Ziva instructed sternly not willing to entertain his mythical beliefs. “Yes Ma’am,”he said with a grin. The drive back to the blood bank offices was the same. Ziva was irritated all the way while Prince Richard was amused. She was relieved when they arrived “Goodbye, Your Majesty,” she said before opening the door and rushing out of the car without waiting for his response.
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