Stupid legend

1620 Words
“These are the famous Leap falls, My Lady. Home to hundred bird, fish and plant species,” Prince Richard said. He knew every different species in detail but was careful not to bore her. Part of his royal upbringing included knowing everything about his country, he never thought all that information would come to use one day. Ziva looked at the majestic water falls in front of her, below it was crystal clear river flowing from it with colourful fishes swimming and different birds hoovering above it. “Amazing!” Ziva exclaimed, walking towards the shallow river. “This right here is paradise,” she added before taking off her shoes and walking on the clear warm water. The birds flew up when she came close, creating a spectacular scenery. “Incredible!” Ziva exclaimed again with sparkling eyes. This was the most beautiful scenery she has ever seen. The place had this unrealistic beauty and serenity about it. She was certain that being there would be therapeutic to anyone feeling down or heartbroken. Prince Richard watched her for a long time, mesmerised and almost jealous at the way she viewed the waterfalls and nature. “When you are ready to proceed, we can climb up there and walk behind the waterfalls,” he told her when he noticed that Ziva was lost in the nature around her. Ziva nodded “We can go,” she said excitedly looking forward to having a closer look at the amazing landscape. Prince Richard turned out to be a great tour guide, she was secretly glad that she finally let him show her around but that was short lived. Walking behind the waterfall, Ziva still in awe, Prince Richard suddenly stopped and looked at her. Ziva held her breath, his expression told her that he was up to something. “Legend has it that those who kiss behind the waterfalls will fall in love,” he said charmingly, smiling at her. “That’s a stupid legend,” Ziva responded, wondering how people believe all the mythical nonsense. First it was the flowers, now this. “What are you doing?” she asked when she lifted her eyes to find him so close to her. “Doing an experiment, My Lady,” he said with a husky voice while dropping his head. “Do it on your groupies!” she objected, wondering what had gotten to him. As far as he was concerned, she did not like him, making whatever he had in mind a very bold move on his part. He chuckled, surprised that he knew exactly whom she regarded as his groupies. “My people already love me, you hate me, hence the experiment,” he responded, amused. Ziva shook her head “I am not kiss….,” she did not complete her sentence, their lips met for a split second. Prince Richard retracted before she could react. “You were saying?” he asked with a grin, tasting her peach flavoured lipgloss that remained on his lips. “I don’t love you,” Ziva said, breathless, her heart racing. This was feeling like a date and she did not know how she felt about that. “You will very soon,” he said confidently. “You can’t possibly believe this nonsense!” Ziva exclaimed. “But I do, My Lady. Very soon you will be head over heels in love with me,” he teased. He found it interesting that most women would be thrilled by that idea but not her. She even seemed terrified by the idea. “I would rather die,” Ziva said just before she missed a step and found herself in his arms. “Suicidal now, My Lady? or you needed an excuse to be in my arms?” he asked charmingly but terrified inside. Had he not acted swiftly, Ziva would have fallen over the edge. She definitely knew it too because he could feel her shaking against him. “Thank you, Your Majesty,” she said, grateful for his quick reflexes. Prince Richard looked at her, his bluish eyes met her brown ones. This was the first time Ziva looked at him like that, he could not help hoping that it won’t be the last. “Call me Richie,” he said, holding her tighter. “That does not feel respectful,” Ziva objected, shaking her head. He chuckled, that’s not the response she gave him the first day they met. He seemed to be growing on the critical woman. “Does that mean I earned your respect, My Lady?” he asked, her words meaning more to him that he expected. “Maybe,” she responded softly while trying to untangle herself from his arms. Him humbling himself to apologise to her regardless of his status and the kindness he showed to Nick the other day had more impact on her than she was willing to admit. “Lady Ziva Harris, you are a very difficult customer. Luckily for you I am a very patient host,”he said with a smile, making her heart gallop. He still had his arms around her, Ziva found herself too close to him for comfort. His musky manly cologne filled her nostrils, his body emitted heat on her reminding her of the night they shared a sleeping bag. Her hopeless romantic best friend’s words started echoing in her ears ‘Don’t you wish he was holding you like that?’ Once her mind wondered there, images of him with his guitar and those damn photos Dilan printed out came flooding in. “Damn it, Ziva, focus,” she rebuked herself. This was insane, she found herself praying for him not to hear her racing heart. “You look flushed, My Lady. Is it you falling for me already or are you still shaken?” he asked with a grin. “I am not…,” Ziva never completed her sentence, his lips met hers again but the kiss lasted longer this time. On any other location, she would push him away but they were in a very narrow passage, she almost fell over, she would definitely hurt him or worse if she pushed him. He obviously knew this place well, she wondered if the location was intentional on his part. “Not only beautiful but taste great too,” he said mischievously while licking his lips and making her blush. “I would like to go back to the blood bank now, Your Majesty,”Ziva said decisively, recollecting herself. Prince Richard was a dangerous man to be around, she would not make that mistake again. “Your tour is far from being over, My Lady,”he said, seeing through her. “I think I sprained my ankle, I really would like to go back now,” she lied. “Oh, Dear! Forgive me, My Lady, I did not realise that you were hurt,” he said, picking her up and carrying her across the falls. “That’s not necessary, Your Majesty, I can walk by myself,” she objected, her face burning up. “I do not want to risk you slipping again or hurting your ankle further,” he said, carrying her down to the bottom where he placed her on a bench and knelt in front of her. “Your Majesty!” Ziva exclaimed, starting to have palpitations. The prince was kneeling in front of her for the second time now except it was much worse now, they were in public, anyone could see them. “I am checking out your ankle,” he said, gentle pulling her feet, removing her shoes and ready to massage her ankle. “There’s nothing wrong with my ankle, please get up,Your Majesty,” she said, quickly pulling her feet back and regretting her lie. “Did you lie so I could carry you? I think you have already fallen for me, My Lady,” he said wittily, getting up. “I just want to go back now,” Ziva said decisively. “You seem scared of falling for me, My Lady,” he responded. “You don’t really believe that stupid legend,” Ziva replied. “Why are you so terrified then?” he asked, amused. He was still having fun on her behalf when a group of his fans came to him excited. “Prince Richard!”some shouted excitement evident in their faces. It was not everyday they got to meet their prince. “Your Majesty,” the greeted him bowing respectfully. “Could we please take a photo with you, Your Majesty?” they asked. They heard that their very friendly down to earth prince had never turned down taking photographs and giving autographs when asked. “Off course, it’s an honour,” Prince Richard said charmingly, melting their hearts. Ziva watched the interaction with awe and admiration, most royals hardly engaged with ordinary people with so much ease. Her new observations of him were challenging everything she had concluded him to be but then again she was the worst judge when it came to men. That was why she was not willing to entertain any man flirting with her, him included. Beside worrying about her possessive ex hurting any man who came close to her, the heartache of being betrayed by someone who is meant to love you was just a risk she was not willing to take any time soon if not ever again. She sneaked away from the scene while the prince was still preoccupied. She was relieved that the group hardly noticed her, the last thing she wanted was to be featured on the tabloids like his many groupies.
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