Book 3 - Chapter 7

2770 Words

" You could also invite Charlie, Logan would not be offended " said Oz, while I was getting ready for dinner. " It didn't seem appropriate and, then, I gave her too much work to do. She preferred to spend the weekend taking care of that " I replied. " Understood. When does she leave? " " Friday. I've already asked her for availability for next month, but you consider that I don't know when she'll be able to come back " I replied. " Why? " he asked, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. " Because she has meetings to attend for me. We've basically worked too much these days, so she'll bring my drafts and discuss them with several people and for, at least, a couple of weeks after she gets home " I replied. " You look sorry " " I am, in some ways. For others, I'm glad I was able to fi

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