That's Tarzan big boy.

1382 Words
"You seem to be having fun." He says, clearly. His eyes so blue they almost scare me. "This is the ladies room can't be in here." I slur, gripping the counter to balance myself. His eyes rake my body, the dress I wore is black and stops about at the top of my knee. I decided since I felt confident I wouldn't wear leggings now I'm slowly regretting my decision. "You look good. I'm sure that guy you were about to go home with thought the same thing," he says cooly, but I know his words are harsh. "I'm drunk, can we not fight about who I was about to go home with. You don't own me. I can do what I want. " I declare. I move forward, but he stops me. Like always. But the burn from the connection of our chests touching courses through my body. My eyes are watching the rhythm of his chest as rises and falls rapidly. I'm so scared to look up. Not because I'm scared of him, but because I'm scared of what my body will let me do. Slowly my eyes move up to his neck, then his perfectly sculpted jaw. I watch it flex, the tendons stretch as he clamps his teeth together. My freshly manicured black nails climb up his dark gray T-shirt and stop on his chest. I want to look up, but I keep my eyes on his flexed jaw. I kiss it, his body twitches slightly from my touch, my nails pulling as his shirt. His low groan surges through my ear and the next second I'm hoisted up. His hand gripping my bare thighs, my back hitting the faucet of the sink. My legs are spread and he stands between them. Warmth pools in the lower pit of my stomach, my legs locking him in as they cross around them. "I wasn't going to go home with him." I tell him. My eyes finally meeting his. "I wasn't." I promise him. "I wouldn't have left it happen. He's a prick and only wanted you for one thing." "Oh and you don't? You have me trapped in the girls bathroom at the bar. What were your intentions Mr. Wilson?" I give him the third degree crossing my arms over my chest, as I tap my nails against the inside of my arm. He grazes my thighs with his fingers. My mind is running wild at this point. The music still blaring through the thin walls. My friends are probably worried. "I know you may not know me too well, but I'll have you know I did just get out of a five year relationship. What makes you think I'm in this for just f*****g your brains out?" A smirk plays across his pink lips. His words fueling the hungered ache between my legs. He knows it too. I want to smack that damned smirk away so bad. I can feel that he wants to kiss me, but instead the pad of both his thumbs wipe under my eyes. "You don't need all this. Although the purple brings out the green in your eyes," he nudges his nose with mine. "That's why I wear it. Not to impress anyone, but because I feel beautiful with it. Plus purple is my favorite color." "You're babbling about your favorite color while I have you at will, my hands between your legs?" And they move up higher. A banging noise on the door nearly has me fall off the counter, my hands stretching the material of Tanner's shirt as he catches me. "Hurry the hell up I have to piss!" "Uh-- yeah give me a second." I look around frantically and flush the toilet. "Just act natural okay?" "Come on you've been in there forever!" Tanner's patience's seems to run thin as he unlocks the door and pries it open. Embarrassment fills my cheeks as the woman and everyone around her watch as Tanner and I step from the bathroom. I use Tanner as my shield even though I'm almost as tall as him. "I'm taking you and your friends home. I think you're done drinking for the night." Who is he to tell me I'm done? "And don't even argue with me Tayzley it's not the time." See f*****g whiplash. I roll my eyes at him and let out an exaggerated groan and say, "I'll go find them I'll meet you outside." Once I find Bella and Carly they are both s**t faced. Too s**t faced. But I manage, even as drunk as I am, to wall them out of the door in each arm. Tanner is waiting outside his beast of a truck, the engine purring loudly. My minds takes a detour down the dirty road. As he helps my friends into the back cab of his trunk, my head is playing scenes of us f*****g in the bed of it. "Tayzley, get in before you freeze. Oh and here," Tanner holds out my phone and debit card. I grab it thanking him as he helps my into the truck and closes the door taking us to my house. *** By the time we reach my house the girls are passed out. Resulting in Tough nuts Tanner to carry them inside and lay them on my bed. My sister is at a friends or with Jason, which I'm happy for. I sit on her white sheeted bed and stare at my feet. Tanner is still here, his body plops down next to mine. My heart picking up as always. "I'd stay, but the result of me keeping my hands off you while your friends sleep are slim to none." I want him to stay. I want to know what it feels like to fall asleep with strong arms wrapped around you. Protecting you. But all I say is, "okay." I sigh. "Did you even drink?" His hands rub his jeans as he answers. "Just two beers." "Oh." "Yeah, well I should go," he stands up, his hand running through his hair, he turns to me, leaning down to my level and kisses my forehead. My mother f*****g forehead. The second my front door clicks shut, I take my sisters pillow, put it to my face and scream into it. He's killing me with these f*****g mixed f*****g signals. Chill Tayzley. Do not tell me to chill, you got me into this mess. I warn my subconscious. I haven't heard Tanner's truck start up yet so I investigate, my stumbling walk takes me to my front door and when I open it I find Tanner, his hand ready to knock on the door. The moonlight hits his face, his eyes so dark. I can't help but lunge my wide body at him. He takes it though and that's what I need. Someone who can handle my body type. His mouth is on mine. Our tongues battling for dominance. This kiss is so intense so lust filled I have to take a breath. My eyes are closed taking in this moment we are sharing. I feel his touch on my lip, his thumb tracing it slowly. "I need you so bad." He says taking my bottom lip between his teeth. The winter air nipping at my bare skin. But I don't care. "Me too." I breath, kissing him harder, my nails scratching at his scalp. My hands pulling at his hair. "But I'm scared..." He pulls back, my face between his hands. "Of what?" His eyes questionable. "Being played like a fool..." I admit. "I'm scared you're not over her..." "Have I not done enough to prove to you that I'm over her. Do I need to climb on top of my truck and become King Kong and shout it to the world?" "That's Tarzan big boy," I laugh patting his chest. "Whatever, Tayzley if I wasn't over her would I be here?" Damn it... "No..." "Exactly. Now I'm sure you're freezing by the way your teeth are chattering. Get inside, sleep off that alcohol and I'll will be here tomorrow. I want you to meet someone." What?!? "What!" He just laughs at my shocked expression, kisses me quickly on the mouth and leaves. Who the f**k am I meeting tomorrow?
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