Chapter 6

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Lexi Pov     “Did you hear that Zain is on the basketball team again this year?” I sighed, tapping my pencil in rhythm as I stared at the teacher, gritting my teeth against the silly girls gossiping behind me.  Zain was my deskmate for this class, any class we had together he always was, but he was, as he always is, sleeping. I looked over at him, watching as his pale blond hair fell into his face, covering most of his closed eyes.      “I know! I wonder why he didn’t try out for captain. He’s been a basketball star since he was a freshman, he could totally be captain.” The other girl whispered behind me. I sighed, rolling my eyes. Obviously, they knew nothing about Zain. He was a star, but he was lazy. He wouldn’t want to be captain, having to make plays and devise plans. Ordering outfits, getting schedules together, finding teams to play. He wouldn’t do any of that. Of course, no one really knew Zain like I did, they only saw what was on the surface. I trailed my eyes down his body, taking a deep breath as I always did. He was gorgeous, big muscular body, tanned skin, an amazing smile that could make him get away with just about anything. But under the surface, he was lazy, annoying, but he was also funny in a sarcastic way. Zain pressed all the wrong buttons, but he knew how to press the right buttons as well. It was frustrating, but I still loved him all the same.      “I’m going to go watch him practice after school today. I wrote him a love letter this morning.” The first girl said, giggling breathlessly. I gripped my pencil tightly in my hand, frustrated. Of course she did. He better not have opened it, either.      “Shh, keep it down, Lexi will hear. She’s scary. She’ll beat us up.” The other girl said. Damn right I would too, if they didn’t back the f**k up. At least they knew.      “How scary, and to think she’s his fiance. I wonder if they were forced to be together, poor Zain. Having to be engaged to such a scary strong woman.” The first girl said. I dropped my pencil on the ground and bent at the waist to retrieve it, glaring at the girls behind me. They both stiffened, their hands pressed against their mouths as they were in the middle of giggling at my expense. I faced forward and I sat back up again, sighing. There was nothing wrong with being strong, being able to protect yourself. They didn’t understand, they were just humans. Or Pithes, one of the two. It was hard to tell between them, especially since there was an overflow of them since Jade became queen of witches. Even still they didn’t understand what it was like to be an Alpha, it was in my blood to be strong.      I looked at Zain again, absently pushing his hair off of his face as he drooled on his paper. I scoffed at the drawing he was doing, a stick figure of the teacher, he really sucked at drawing. I heard the girls behind me oooh at how I was touching Zain and rolled my eyes; they were just trying to get on my good side because they were scared I was going to attack them. I left Zain alone for a while and concentrated on the teacher, taking notes. There was going to be a test this week and I couldn’t help but sigh, annoyed. It was the first week after all. I guess it was supposed to be more difficult since it was senior year, but it was still frustrating. I never was the best with school, mom said I was kind of like dad and she’d laugh, telling me how he used to force her to do his homework. I would never be like that, I might let Zain copy my notes but I’d never do his homework for him.      I was staring at Zain, considering drawing on his face, when the bell rang. I nearly sighed in annoyance since I was this close to drawing on him, but instead, I woke him up by shaking him roughly. He groaned as he almost fell off his chair and I snickered at him, making him frown at me. “Good Morning sunshine, class is over,” I said to him cheerily.      He stood up, rubbing his head as he looked down at his drawing. “Man, you could have moved my paper, the drawing is ruined now.” He said, frowning.      I scoffed at him. “Are you serious? That's just a stick figure.” I said to him, pointing at the line.      Zain pointed at the bubble he drew around the words. “It says I’m Mr. Heathman. It’s a portrait of the teacher, Lexi.” He said matter-of-factly.      “Zain, it’s a stick figure, not a portrait,” I said to him with a giggle as he put the paper on the teacher’s desk. Why was he putting it on his desk? I was trying hard not to laugh, noticing the teacher was helping another student and had his back turned to us. Zain pressed his finger on the picture and grinned at me. Of course, that damn grin. It always made him get away with anything.      “It’s an exact replica of his face, Lexi. One day, he’ll pay me money for this.” He said. I couldn’t help but laugh at how serious he looked, as if he was seriously thinking his stick figure drawing was worth anything. I followed him out of the class and we said goodbye, both of us heading to our last class of the day. I had this class with Grayson and Lana, our computer class. Grayson met me at the door and grinned at me, making me smile. He was such an amazing kid. He was taking the same advanced computer class as me because of how smart he was. I knew he had first-period science with Zain since Zain failed it last year, maybe Grayson could help him with his work.      “You look like you’ve had a long day today,” Grayson said to me as I linked arms with him. He smiled his soft smile at me and I sighed, feeling better already. There was something about Grayson that made me feel like I could relax. When I was with Zain it was always hectic, there were always so many girls around or talking about him and I couldn’t concentrate properly. But with Grayson there were no expectations, I didn't need to feel jealous or worried. He was smart and he understood me better, much better than Zain did. “I just wanted you to know that Zain gave me all of his love notes today too, just like last year. He doesn’t open any of them, Lexi.” He said, nodding at me.     I let out a breath and sighed, sitting down next to him in the back. Lana was already sitting there and she perked up happily, sitting on the other side of Grayson. Normally she sat next to me in classes but since she’s always had the biggest crush on Grayson she claimed the seat on the other side of Grayson instead. “That is a relief, thank you, Grayson,” I said to him.      He smiled, but the smile didn’t touch his eyes as he looked at me. “He loves you, you know. He loves you more than anyone.” He said to me. I frowned, looking at him.      “I don’t know sometimes. I used to think that, but now, he never really talks to me. He’s always surrounded by girls, he still has that stupid poster, it feels like I’m not good enough for him.” I said sadly. I looked down at my desk, feeling my eyes prickle. I gripped my hand tightly, taking a breath. I wouldn’t cry over him. Especially if he was being a player behind my back.      I looked over at Grayson, seeing the sadness in his own eyes. He really always felt what I was going through, as if he was feeling his own heartache and it made it so much easier to talk to. “The poster is stupid, I agree. But he’s a guy and he’s immature. He knows you guys are getting married and he’s not playing around. You don’t need to be worrying, Lexi. He’s not cheating on you. We would know, right? We’re all best friends. And if he was hiding it from you, he wouldn’t hide it from me.” He said to me. I nodded, he was right. There was nothing Zain hid from anyone, really. He was always out there, honest. If anything Zain was honest. I've never seen him lie about anything before, even if it was to make someone feel better.      “Still, I can’t help but worry. I heard girls talking about going to watch him practice, and I know that stupid Carrie girl is a cheerleader.” I said softly. The bell rang and Lana sighed loudly, making me feel bad. She wanted to talk to Grayson too, but I was monopolizing him. I tried to smile an apologetic smile at her but she was ignoring me, brushing her long blond hair behind her back as she watched the teacher walk in with the last of the late students. “And I can’t be there to watch or anything, since I’m captain of the karate team now,” I said to him, whispering.      Grayson sighed, a deep sigh as he looked down at his desk and I bit my lip, worried. I didn’t want to upset him too, maybe I was too worried after all. He turned to look at me, smiling. “I’ll go to his practice. I wasn’t going to do anything else anyway,” He said, his voice trailing off in the way that made me think he was lying, “But I’ll go join the team. That way he won’t be alone and you won’t have to worry.” He said.      “Oh, really? I am so excited, thank you, Grayson. Zain will be so happy too, he’s been wanting you to join ever since you started high school with us.” I whispered to him, grinning. He smirked at me, shrugging. He knew I was right, Zain always badgered him about joining but Grayson was more for computers and science. He even was on the chess team last year with his friends, but it was disbanded since there were only three members. I wasn’t sure if maybe he was going to try and join something else this year, but I let the guilt of pressuring him to join the team wash away. It was the last year Zain would be able to see Grayson every day anyway, so it was good that they’d be spending their club time together too. It was funny, Grayson started out being more my best friend in the beginning since we’re cousins, but around high school, Zain started to get much closer to Grayson until the two of them were just always constantly playing video games together. It made me slightly lonely, but I befriended Lana and it seemed to work out. I guess with friendships, boys were better together and girls were better together after all.      After class was finished Grayson promised once again to get on the team for me. I knew he would get on easily, even if he wasn’t the best at basketball. Being best friends to Zain and I had perks. No one tried to bully Grayson or turn him away for fear of angering me and Zain. Plus the coach loved Zain and if it was something that would make Zain happy, the coach wouldn’t turn it down. Lana waved goodbye to me as well, since she was a cheerleader, and I watched as she bounced happily next to Grayson, trying to get his attention. I was glad she wasn’t mad at me anymore, since she seemed to think I set this up for her instead of myself. I didn't have the heart to correct her, especially since I wasn’t big on showing my low self-confidence. At least when it came to Zain, otherwise I knew I was amazing and I owned it. There was just something about Zain that made me feel like a little kid, helpless, and not good enough, and it made me go crazy just thinking about him.      I sighed, going into the locker room and changing my clothes, smiling. I could already smell the leather mats, and hear the wacks of a student being thrown over someone’s shoulder. Those in the club that had their last period free would come here and practice all they wanted. I never minded, it made the team stronger, and I was excited to see how our competition would be this year. I put on my GI and tightened my belt, straightening my shoulders as I tightened my hair. Slowly I took a deep breath, in and out as I centered myself. I had nothing to worry about, because Grayson was there. I didn’t need to worry about Zain, all I needed to do was lead my team. I stepped into the second gym and started to clap for everyone’s attention. 
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