Chapter 1

1103 Words
No one ever prepares you for how much your life is going to change in just a twinkle of an eye. One moment you are happy, on top of the world telling yourself that nothing could ever go wrong, but all of a sudden it does, and you didn't even see it coming because you were too young to even prepare yourself for how much your life was going to change in just a short time. Well, I guess it is time to introduce myself. My name is Cathwulf, but everyone calls me Cat and I am the daughter of Bardulf, the Alpha of the Shadow pack, the strongest pack in all of the seven clans. The Shadow pack, although having the strongest of wolves, was known as the pack of peace because my father made sure of that. He believed in justice and equality for all. He always said everyone deserved to be treated equally, no matter the pack you come from or who you are, and because of that, he was loved by his people. But where there is love there is also hate. I was told that my uncle, Boris, hated my father. And I was told it was because my father won the Alpha contest against his brother, who was much older and was supposed to take over from their father. So, instead of running the pack with my dad, I was told that Uncle Boris was hell-bent on taking back power for him. So he planned a coup to overthrow my father, but he failed and was exiled from the pack, and his name was never mentioned again in the pack. Not until it happened. Cat's POV It was my 8th birthday, and we were having a party at the house to celebrate. '' I can not believe that my little girl is growing so fast,'' My mom said as she kissed my cheeks. '' I have to grow, mom, so I can be as beautiful as you one day,'' I said, smiling shyly. '' I know cub, but can you stop growing even if it is just for a few moments?'' My mom let out as she filled my face with kisses. '' I can not stop growing, mom, and stop kissing me like that, I am no longer a child. Go kiss baby Edon. He is still a baby and he needs all your kisses,'' I said, trying to push my mom away with my little hands. '' Oh my, look who is a big girl now,'' My mom smiled and said. '' Yeah Mom, I am 8,'' I rolled my eyes at her. '' Where is the birthday girl, because I have a gift for her,'' I soon heard my dad's voice and my heart fluttered with joy. I am the typical dad's girl. My dad is everything to me, he is my best friend, and we do almost everything together. We are those typical father-and-daughter duos you see in the movies. My dad always told me that one day I would win the Alpha contest and become the first female Alpha of the Shadow pack, and I couldn't wait for that to happen. '' Hey Pup,'' my dad smiled, saying as he soon gave me a tight hug. '' Happy birthday pup. Wow, 8 years, how did the time fly by so fast? It feels like it was yesterday when I first held you in my arms. Now you are growing so big, soon you will be 18 and I can not wait for you to have your first transformation ritual. Then I can start training you to win the Alpha contest,'' My dad said and I smiled. '' I can not wait for that as well,'' I smiled and said, holding on to his pinky finger just like I had always done since I was a child. '' I brought you a present,'' He said, handing me a little box, and I smiled widely with so much joy in my heart. '' Open it Pup,'' my dad urged me to open the little box. And with my tiny hands, I struggled to open it. but I succeeded, seeing a beautiful blue necklace in it. '' Wow, it is beautiful,'' I let out as my gaze never drifted from the beautiful sight in front of me. '' It is a blue diamond, blessed by the moon itself, it will protect you,' My dad said as he helped me put it on. '' I will never take it off,'' I smiled, saying, and my dad pulled me into a hug. '' Alright, that is enough, we have a party to attend, and the special guest of honour can not be late for her event.'' My mom said as she dusted over my clothes, removing the wrinkles. '' One last thing, here is my gift to my beautiful princess,'' My mom said, as she brought out the most beautiful tiara I had ever seen, placing it on my head. ' Happy birthday again, princess,'' my mom smiled and said as she kissed my cheeks softly. I was speechless. My life was perfect. I had a loving family and I couldn't ask for anything better. We soon joined the party, which was in full swing. The whole pack was there, and the party was amazing. My parents went all out for me. Everything was going great, and I was having the best birthday party ever. I was dancing when my best friend Alaric walked up to me. We have been best friends ever since he and his parents moved into the park over a year ago. '' Hi, Cat, Happy birthday, I got this for you, it is a friendship bracelet,'' He said quite nervously as he handed me a colourful bracelet. '' I made one for myself too, so that we can be best friends forever,'' Alaric said and I smiled. '' Thank you, Alaric,'' I let out, putting on the bracelet. '' Do you want to dance,'' I asked and he nodded. We were dancing when his demeanour changed, and a sad look came to play so freely on his face. '' Alaric, are you okay,'' I asked. '' Cat, can you promise me that we will remain best friends forever, and nothing will tear us apart,'' Alaric said, and I couldn't help but laugh at how silly his words were. '' Come on Alaric, you are my best friend forever, and nothing will change that,'' I said, hugging him. But I wish I knew that soon, forever would be just an illusion for me.
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